Thursday, April 25, 2013

Sandy Hook - Part 6 -- Bankers' Mafiosi Professional Hitmen and Government Participation

Sandy Hook - Part 6 -- Bankers' Mafiosi Professional Hitmen and Government Participation

Resolving Primacy: The Lanzas or the Sandy Hook Kindergartners, who's the primary target

Silencers and Messages

Nancy and Adam, where do they fit in?
In Part 2, the last theory emerged for your inspection from the question of what was the driving motive for the massacre, the children's impact or the Lanza impact. The choice was essentially between:
    whether the criminals were driven to initiate this massacre by the "bounty" -- in either pedophile treasures or in protected supporters for the terror-source's anti-gun agenda, with Nancy and Adam simply convenient places to put the blame --
    whether the murderous criminals were driven by some banking connected benefit in the murders of Adam and Nancy, with the rest of the murders being a cover-up to protect the banking big wheels from public recognition as murderous criminals, whose position in the world was so untouchably iconic.

Certainly there were people of that high-ranking iconic zone in Adam and Nancy's circles, at least in the past, in their family's social life in the pre-separation days, when Peter was steering his role in the BlueChip world of GE Credit as Tax Director. Surely the wildly successful performance in tax 'savings' seen at GE in paying no taxes while making giant-blue-chip world-status profits shows some level of Peter's leverage in power circles. Yet what could this be yielding of motivations.

Well Peter's role in steering GE Credit into the BANKING CORRUPTION -- when the safeguards between consumer accounts and investment accounts was stripped away by a banking insider in the Clinton administration, leading to all sorts of scams in LIBOR and mortgage-based securities -- must have been hazardous, unlike accountants would choose usually. When the originally high-profit scene in banking became notoriously knowable in upper circles, GE Capital acquired several not-so-reputable entities as divisions and seriously sullied GE's image though not visibly to the investment world. And by 2007 GE was divesting themselves of some of the most scandalous operations. In one of those mortgage based scammers' operations, the auditing showed that over 80% of mortgage application files were based on FORGED DOCUMENTS, from W2s to bank account statements with phony data. Hence Nancy for one would have been privy to many things in quiet ways.

And then there were the LIBOR scandals after 2008's massive crash in the economy. LIBOR is the biggest banking scandal in history and involves collusion among banks, possibly the sort of fraudulent games Peter's subordinates were playing.. LIBOR is reputed to have the potential to bring down the world's economies with the emergence of transparency. Those LIBOR investigations finally caught up with Peter's operation. To the extent that THREE OF PETER's SUBORDINATES WERE CHARGED WITH FELONY FRAUD finally early last year in 2012, were CONVICTED as of June of 2012 and SENTENCED to 3-4 YEARS IN PRISON IN OCTOBER 2012 just TWO MONTHS BEFORE SANDY HOOK...

And don't think bankers are simple money handlers, when in reality bankers steer the country into wars and economic crashes for their own profit, and do it knowingly and with unbridled fury when political forces are not fully cooperative. See All Wars are Bankers' Wars. One example is the bankers' attempted coup against the United States, yes, against Roosevelt prior to WWII that was foiled by Maj Gen Butler who brought the scheme to Congress (it's in the congressional record, declassified by now) but Roosevelt had to hide their scandalous defeat, letting them escape, and could not prosecute any of them because they simply held Roosevelt's weakly struggling economy hostage and he knew what would happen if he challenged their grip and lost. Bankers do not take kindly to bad relationships and are not above inflicting serious mayhem even on a head of state, much less just privately steaming in silence over a perceived injury to their power or majesty.

And the mortgage scandal and the LIBOR repercussions for the giant GE were shocking to investors, and the Blue Chip giant was nearly financially aground in investors' eyes, to the extent that not only had GE been begging treasury behind the scenes for classification as a 'Bank' in order to get 'bailed' out (among the crowd of others really in banking) but GE CEO Immelt was scrambling around to find a new direction in developing refurbished company image, eventually this year in 2013 shifting PR focus to more new technology closer to their original image. Immelt paid a bold 38% premium to acquire a foothold with Lufkin in Oil & Natural gas excitement. And yes that's the same Immelt who is cozy with Obama, Holder, etc. [Ignore the banking scandal behind the curtain...]

Now who do you suppose would be apopoleptic if Peter had been careless or greedy in potential company acquisitions or in court confrontations, already or going forward, and/or did he already disgrace whomever by throwing -- cowardly or recklessly -- the convictable three under the bus, to someone's intense discomfort, since Holder was classically informing Congress that there would be no convictions of the banking industry's corrupted economy-crashers because the corrupt banks were **too big to jail** for his department to be able to prosecute for the RICO activities.. RICO is not titled 'racketeering' for no reason, clearly suggesting mafiosi money intense interest... Hmmm.. even though somehow those three got prosecuted successfully.. So, besides the insiders in the current administration, being holdable on the carpet, there was Immelt whose hold on the industry giant GE was in major jeopardy with financial troubles and irate investment powers with major civil lawsuits in mind as well.. And of course there were the network of white collar thugs whose dislodged interests connected to the three being sent up the river.. Peter's 'popularity' was seriously on several radars... agreed?

So now do you find it so difficult to see the footprints of a mafia hit, with professional sophisticated operatives, covered by opportunistic government connections. Hey, GE owns a few hundred TV stations just for good measure, including NBC... so media mouthpieces would be saluting as required when the dust hit the fan.. and Peter Lanza would get the 'message' when he woke up that day and found that his whole former family for more than 10 years, Adam, Nancy and Ryan even were wiped out potentially, in such disgrace and shame. Sorta like finding a dead horse head in your bed, Agreed?

Doesn't 'the mafiosi message' idea seem so clear and obvious a match for what we see

And even going back to considering what we have been seeing in earlier exploring, that balance-scale -- for deciding which theory motivations were the deciding factors that were driving the murderous operation -- was already listing toward the Lanza-driven explanation since there was that bizarre episode surrounding the massacre&responder finale confusion over Ryan/Adam's identity and also shortly later over Adam's life needing to be 'ended' (as heard on the police band radio, though muffled):
    Clearly the identity 'confusion' would serve as a media effect on Peter Lanza of entangling ALL his entire family being stomped all over.

    And the uncertainty over whether Adam was maybe more leverage alive (without his protective carer's management) or not alive, suggested that an effect on control of Peter Lanza might be possibly involved. Right?

Which leads to the important idea that there's a lot of blank images in the media's coverage of how the killers captured Adam and got Nancy when she was unable to use her carefully maintained gun collection. All we know about that scene is that Nancy was asleep in bed after her long afternoon drive back home from her mini-holiday trip and that Adam had just worked on some wonderfully analysed data for a ingenius gaming idea where the players are being (or conceivably capturing) a mass murderer, likely as big a hit as Grand Theft Auto, or many other games where the player can test their own ability to outmaneuver opponents, playing their role as the 'bad guy' in a story line. Players routinely test their own ideas on authenticity of the programmers controlling logic and scoring. Hence the spreadsheet, which is currently being misapplied in the official attempt to convict an innocent in the minds of the public, not a court, allowing the murderous hitmen to escape. The fools are so math phobic that they don't see that programmers use all sorts of measures and scoring in developing all gaming.

So let's look at one of the unasked and unanswered questions about what happened at the Lanza's home on Yogananda St, as we see it in the layout map here:

Notice the neighbors closest are barely 100ft from the Lanza household, where the FOUR NIGHT-TIME SHOTS were FIRED that brutally killed Nancy. All told, there are THREE OTHER HOUSES AROUND 250FT of the Lanza's Why wouldn't the neighbors be expected to have been shocked alert & awake to hear FOUR such LOUD noises IN THE STILL OF THE NIGHT unless ALL(!) of the neighbors are dead-to-the-world sleepers. Likely? Not with any probability. Yet none seemed to have summoned police protection. Strange. The hitmen clearly gained entry after Nancy's bedtime, when all neighbors were apparently not awake anymore and before any early risers would be awake and getting awareness of abnormal sounds. Animal control workers would not be blasting after dark and should be much further away. Hunting otherwise in that suburban area, though lightly woodsy, would be prohibited. And there was claimed to be a police officer living in the house 'next' to the Lanza house. How could they not have been awakened, alarmed, and summoning the police, UNLESS THE HITMEN USED VERY EFFECTIVE SILENCERS ON THEIR GUNS. And how would that sound to a quiet sleeping neighborhood, barely a 100some to 250some feet away..?

According to those FOUR suppressed gunshots were still not that silent BUT the character of the sound does change, though nothing like some phony hollywood whoosh. A usual silencer on a commercially available fire arm reduces the volume of the noise to somewhere in the 120-140 dB range depending on whether the firearm is subsonic or supersonic, Which volume is easily in the range of a sharp squawk of a police siren, so why did no one call the cops..? Even just for their own protection, simple sensible caution.

If these killers were highly skilled pros AND had access to some military advanced experimental weaponry, that might make this noise distinctly a bit less, because SILENCERS ARE BASICALLY MILITARY USE ORIENTED. One more reason to add to the list of why the killers were not ever Adam nor even likely ordinary citizens with no governmental clearances.

The military strongly favors silencers for reasons that mostly don't apply in a household murder. Shooting a sleeping woman does not raise concerns about the gun's kick, nor would the flash need to be 'considerably' shielded to reduce an enemy's detection of the shooter's position. Etc. Except for the idea that nighttime intended killing would be more likely successfully undetectable with an effective silencer.

But there's another feature of this military tool, namely the quality of the sound is changed from a 'crack' for the sorts of guns (claimed to have been used in these murders) to a very sharp 'snap',
which ties to the strange descriptions of the 'quality' of the gunshot sounds at the school
... many of youtube's curious people were trying to judge the testimony of some onsite teachers, assistants and children and were questioning their veracity when it came to the sound descriptions.

Clearly this idea TOTALLY DISQUALIFIES NANCY'S GUNS AS THE MURDER WEAPONS BEING USED BY ADAM OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER...... Hit men bring their own weapons.. See for yourself, how different these guns look with their silencers on.. no silencers were on the guns 'found' at the scene of the school massacre

and judge for yourself the quality of the sound of an automatic rifle with its silencer on, courtesy of silencerguru50 as well as other caliber handguns, with and without.

Hence we again come to the point of recognizing that the murderous perpetrators were accomplished hitmen with likely justice/military backgrounds, maybe even with access to experimental quality silencers courtesy of government 'facilitating largess'...

And fully accounts for the timing of the massacre since the need for the coverup with actors and other insider control would put the start of the murderous planning back in July at least in order to get the Crisis Actors implanted in time (for children's enrollment at Sandy Hook unsuspiciously as kindergartners, as you will see) and the legendary message-severity has time to be measured to match the disastrous consequences to those involved in the Bluechip GE financial wrecking and CEO image run afoul of investment credibility, and even timed to make the meaning of the 'message' clear to Peter Lanza after the public sentencing.. Agreed?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sandy Hook Part 5 - The 'Academy Pans' for Crisis Acting


With all the disinformation-spreaders, the FEMA-field medic/coroner's assistants with their unbloody triage area (even lacking a DOA area), the FEMA/DHS graduate Lt-mouth-piece-Vance to 'help' the police, I suppose you'd wonder just what the pricetag was on this taxpayer extravaganza.

But we're not done yet with the entertainment. No. Nor with its price tag. The government, courtesy of the FEMA/DHS spendthrifts spare no expense to bring such reality shows into your living room, in time for the holidays, just to ensure you are not bored. Same-ol, same-ol holidays are so boring. Government feels so left out.

Well, to ensure that the families of the victims are not overburdened with media attention, FEMA has decided to generously send in their own rescuing CRISIS-ACTORS. That's right a whole troupe showed up and the media swallowed their fabricated reality from morning to night. And never revealed to the public that the whole affair of grieving parents and neighbors stepping in to care for stray children were not real, any more than those folks in the daytime soaps.

Look it up, there's a whole specialty in theatrical trades, where you can serve your community's needs for practicing emergency disasters of epic proportions, brought to you by your friendly federal government in their misguided ideas that they should upgrade your local first responders' skills. Sometimes, on a smaller scale, role-playing actors are brought in by corporate human resource departments that are avant garde practitioners of role-playing to learn things like, um, um, sensitivity to racial/gender 'situations' in managing your departmental responsibilities, finding out who makes a better leader in a crunch, etc. See

So how do we know these troupes were fronts for some outside-of-Sandy-Hook interests, well let's start with that not believable neighbor, Gene Rosen, a member of the local actor's guild, whose accounts of the arrival of a cluster of escaping children came up his driveway (instead of going right to the fire house across the street which is where the students were practiced to go for drills) changed content of his story with repetition. And ol soft-hearted, confused Gene gave away his connection when he was sobbing about the poor mother whose child he had not sheltered in his home but he found that child's name on the list of dead children. Just thinking of that poor woman, but dear Gene, that list wasn't yet released from the FEMA controlers til a day later... so how did Gene get that list...? Or how did he even know there would be issued such a list to the public as a handout?

Even worse, was Gene's sobbing story of the little panicked boy wailing that his teacher, Ms Soto, was dead and he and his friends couldn't go back to school. Well, that's amazing since that boy couldn't have been in Ms Soto's class since all her male students were 'deceased' as listed.

And then there's the sensitive father-faker, Robbie Parker, rubbing elbows with Obama and pontificating about his high-minded view of forgiveness. Well that may be his ideas, but he blew it when he came out to the staging area where he was to give a press statement to the media. Well when he came out, that bereaved father was laughing and joking, and then he asked when the cameras would be ready to roll, but unknown to him they were already rolling for some. And as they told him that they were ready when he was, he did his acting coaches proud of how quickly he went through his huffing and panting to get his facial muscles to sag into bereavement shape, then he put on a credible near-sobbing show of his anguish and loss.

We also heard that some astute observers on facebook, noted that the timestamp on the facebook page he created for his dearest darling precious daughter showed that it was created while he was supposedly waiting to see whose children were victimised, complete with donation options. As we all know, actors need their tin cups, in order to survive between gigs, til they make it big... And there were other observant watchers who believe that in the photo op with the siblings and Obama, that some incompetent stage controller, allowed that victimized daughter to go on the stage with her siblings. Of course the media claimed it was just the next in line sibling wearing that little victim's favorite fancy dress, kinda strange for a very well to do Newtown family, to share clothing. Similar outfits maybe, identical, not so likely. But then again, it was her father's biggest contribution to our understanding that we care about.

Similarly, there's a CNN interview with another "grieving" couple whose child was a victim, though you certainly saw absolutely NO SIGN of LOSS in that phony mother's facial lines, eyes, big smile, and lively conversation. And so it went.

There were even re-tread bit players, as you can see:

Ain't it amazing how she must get around, severe case of jet-lag likely, flying from one psyop massacre to another.

On the other hand if you believe that such a coincidence is real world likely... well, let's calculate.. Hair part is switched fromleft to right, but otherwise the similarities are incredible... Greenberg-Sexton, Esq ? And Phelps as SandyHook parent.... odds on identical appearance, compounded by odds on involvement in two mass murder events within half a year, but separated by a thousand miles at least... COMPOUNDED BY THE UNLIKELIHOOD OF NEARLY EVERY ICONIC-SPEAKER IN THE SANDY HOOK THEATER SHOW, JUST HAPPENING TO LOOK LIKE SOMEONE ELSE, and 'that someone else' just happening to be a member of the CRISIS ACTOR GROUP OR ANOTHER APPARENT MASSACRE-INVOLVED PLAYER... the odds must be phenominally comical to be believably 'normal' reality.. wake up...

And it seems there was another SH/Batman cross-contaminated person showing up... one of the 'victims' apparently not killed at Aurora, now has been found in nearby CT as his 'original home', and he's coincidentally taking a position with NY Mayor Bloomberg to convince people of 'gun hazards'.
Just makes you REALIZE how loyal to their tyranny-loving employer these government workers must be, AND HOW DISLOYAL TO "WE THE PEOPLE" SO MANY AMAZINGLY TREACHEROUS GOVERNMENT WORKERS ARE...

Clearly, something seriously doesn't smell right with these examples of 'bereaved' parents. Either they are all theater-functionaries, making a living as crisis actors, or those children were known (by those parents) to be in safekeeping under the Witness Protection Theory scheme. Take your pick. We might have hoped for the latter -- in order to consider the government as simply hoaxing, not really massacring we-the-people --- but it doesn't look like massacring us isn't the reality... massacring is the reality, it seems..

We would point out that in either Theory of "why the children", this Crisis Actor ploy was expectable to some degree. Not just the Witness Protection Theory.

In the Pedophile theory, specifically in the alternative version (namely with government collusion), the crisis acting serves as control of the cover up only, no deeper into the full twenty sets of parents. The real parents would be kept secluded to keep them quiet, cheating them of their demands for justice, and to maintain the government's direction of usefulness to pay themselves back for their collaboration risks and expenses, via the governmental perennial-tyranny-proclivity, namely their anti-gun agenda, making the killers useful to government, adding value to government effort, as is expectable for an administration that has said it doesn't waste a crisis, or so it's said.

Without the government involvement, in the Pedophile theory, the mob's own mob connections alone would not likely be able to swing -- so uniformly -- as many mind-drugging mainstream media productions all over the map, TV and most print nationally and even England, as we saw, since they all swallowed and promoted the standard story. So that leaves the government involvement version (of the Pedophile Theory) squarely in the middle of the guilt-pointers, now for both theories, Pedophile or Witness Protection. Thoroughly coloring all the seen involvement of DC politicians and NYers as having known in advance and were ok with it, right down to murdering children, carers and everyone else potentially at risk of accidental involvement, plus especially the murders of Adam and Nancy..

The anti-gun 'opportunity' in the use of the crisis actors as parents explains those incompetent grievers, but what about Gene, whose acting wasn't very good. Lack of incentive in the Witness Protection scheme he was likely only getting paid as an actor, not as much as a victimized household would be whose whole life would be uprooted. He immediately went back into norm and disappeared for many a day when people who actually listened to more versions of his story and checked his identity online decided that they wanted to know what the government was paying for such a lousy acting job, and dear Gene used that taxpayer complaining about his venerable hero-acting career to get big mainstream media to let him moan on the big mainstream screen about how awful those conspiracy theorist were treating him who was such a hero, showing just how disturbed the media and the governing party is over the online fascination with the underbelly of their murderous govt beast, preferring the 'truthers' reports to the mainstreamers. Guaranteed that grant of mainstream screen time to ol Gene was more heaping coals on govt fires for more censorship of those reprobate conspiracy terrorists, who are terrorizing government at least.

Those censorship-threatening fires and libelous insinuations Inspiring new, even worse, laws like PIPA, CISPA and CFAA to control the 'tarnished' online miscreants who could be 'punishingly' litigated against.
Like they did to Aaron.

And anyway, they wouldn't want to ever try to control more than the iconic to-be-featured-skeakers, and a neighbor or two, not a whole raft of 'miscellaneous' neighboring people, agreed? Because 'neighbors' would have to have 'addresses' and there's only so much real estate turnover, to be put into service, rented possibly, as background checking cover. Patently it's not the money they would be needing for such control, just a lot of spare houses in the perimeter area, the supply of which is frozenly limited. But the names of the victims (the children anyway) were tracked to addresses for their bus routes. Victim names do relate to addresses in existence. The implications are staggering and we'll explore what these discoveries imply about pre-planning and theory survival.

In fact, on the issue of real estate limits, if we consider the comment/observation of one youtuber, that every home of an interviewed parent, teacher, etc where the interview was done supposedly in their home, suggested that everyone in Sandy Hook was stupidly buying the same looking, ultra cleaned up, $50,000 looking kitchen, like rental real estate, in Price-is-Right tradition.. Never thought much of that sort of show, but it may be interestingly useful for such truther strange noticing.. agreed? One explanation might be that interviews were in the on-location media's site. Customarily, we'd like to go back and take notice of any variation in kitchens for each 'home' interview, but we have another commitment. Patiently, we would wonder if those who pay attention to kitchen furnishing would remember and relay their findings, below.

Meanwhile I will be posting Episode 6 shortly, as soon as I gather up the data on the Theory of Adam and Nancy to fully compete with the Pedophile Theory (with Govt Cover-up) and the Witness Protection Theory. Notice how all remaining explanations do criminalize the government for a role in the murders, as you will see. TTYL

Monday, April 08, 2013

Sandy Hook Part 4 -- Official bogosity and mainstream media suspicious treachery


Staffers being trusted in spite of evidence, gullibilty of police under FEMA

Before going on to all those questions and comparisons of reality to theories, we need to wonder about a couple of things.

First, the ability of such school staff persons, as we have seen as having a role, being able to expect that they will be given credence by police, public and the media? No one seems to question their reliability.

Do the staff get a free pass for some reason, just because they are 'school'-holy. They may have been victims OR maybe not. There's no evidence, audio or video, to grant them victim status purely. There were such scandalously suspect things being said by staffers. Like the one who apparently reported that the gunman had shouted to be let in.. Imagine that, he's planning to blow away a lot of victims, has armaments galore, and has his finger on the trigger and is aware that the door doesn't open. Pretty please????

And then there seems to have been some dissonance that should have been striking, things that would have alerted the police to be suspicious of the reliability of the staffer. The police were told, via 9-1-1 staff that the school staffer reporting the call for assistance said that there were hundreds of gunshots as she was trying to get through by phone, and though there were many magazines (partly empty) laying about, supposedly, imagine what hundreds of bullets would do to the couple of rooms. No one EVER mentioned any smoke/haze, no smell of sulphur of gunpowder burnt, when they were led out of the building and so we'd wonder just how smoky-hazy the rooms were where 'hundreds; of high power gunfire had gone on JUST A COUPLE OF MINUTES BEFORE. Dissonance between staffer statements and observed air should have suggested that the reporting staffer was not reliable.

It was just amazing how instantaneous was the conclusion that the whole event was a murder/suicide, not that all of the victims were murdered, which is a total possibility, when there are extraneous people racing away, either in that reported van, or through the woods.

And then, contrary to any normal expectation from security persons, 'somehow' no school security staffer steps up to assist by offering confirming use of the security system to the point that one wonders what sort of management was in place in the supposedly caring school personnel.

Yet the police favor the idea that they know what the answer is. Not suspect, not ever did we hear 'alleged'.

It's called prejudicial misconduct. STRICTLY stupid prejudice and unamerican profiling by those the community depends on for protection, whereas instead those police-sleuths ought to fall on their swords for their complete injustice and phony authoritarian bogosity as sleuths. Totally an embarrassment to Columbo. As well as to lady Justice.

What were these policemen, the supposed guardians of truth and justice doing? Putting on make-up for the cameras? Or just executing what Homeland Security told them was going to happen in some prejudicial exercises? Yes class, mass murders are always the handiwork of crazed lone gunmen, driven by government hate and freudian twisted mothers. Put that in your notebook for later use.... Uh-huh.. sounds like FEMA training classes resulting in amazingly incompetent FEMA 'rescues', like hurricane Sandy, etc. And then there's FEMA's partners, TSA, nuff said about government improving local police', clearly despised-as-weak performing public servants therefore needing big FEMA high-quality instruction.

You'd think that police would get annoyed and even suspicious of the DHS/FEMA people and their advising. Like the continuing-ed courses that FEMA holds just co-incidentally at the so conveniently located nearby sites to curiously coincidental disasters and just so presciently even advertised well in advance, and even with relatable tragedies: Parker Medical College just outside Aurora, for mass murder handling, and at Bridgeport near Sandy Hook on dealing with disasters involving children. Best we watch FEMA's upcoming class schedules. The police were made fools of by their FEMA/DHS over-handlers

Myth Spinning Authorities

And then there were the myth-spinning authorities, like the school superintendent in her official statements to the viewers of the TV-drug. Such officials, including the governor, who were never anywhere involved, were presenting 'details' in their statements on the prime-time events that they, nor anyone, could possibly have real knowledge of, describing words and actions no one around would have supplied by that time, unless they were also fabricating their own big moment in the sun. But of course their myths sounded so praiseworthy of supposed victims they could memorialize and, as a consequence, add credibility to the government school system... and not get sued for some negligence, but gasp, who could think such thoughts in the light of the halos being painted by the authorities and their media-mouthpieces... Yep, would you believe that anyone could hear Soto talking calmly, not provocatively raising her voice to get attention elsewhere, to the gunman who came into her room, after blasting how many obstacles out of his path and seeking to complete his agenda..

The nurse's tale, the TV reporter's theater falsity, and the anchor's treachery

Among the staff, supposedly with statements needing confirmation on that confused day was the nurse's (Sally Cox), or to be more precise, the report by the TV woman broadcasting that the nurse had described how the shooter had come into the nurse's office, looked her right in the eye and then went back to his searching, leaving her in shock, thinking she would have been dead like the others. gasp!

Well that bit of "theater" was totally FABRICATED by that woman TV reporter, probably desperate for something to grab a place in the sun, 'on the station's schedule'. It was later found out by others following up on that surprising description, and the nurse was then correcting that theater trickster, with an account that said that she (the nurse) had been hiding beneath her desk, unable to see nearly anything but the lower pants-leg of supposedly the shooter. Some story. But it advertises the questionable ethics of TV reporters in such crisis coverage.

An even more unsettling discovery -- especially in a crisis accounting in which government treachery or incompetence is key to the truth -- is that the CNN anchor (Anderson Cooper) was known to have worked for the CIA, of all places.

In the media, we do insist that newspeople are to be the 'fourth estate' and shall not have entanglements with government in their own background and connections. The media should be a watchdog, not a lapdog for government. With criminality like Fast and Furious being the 'quality' of the government requiring investigative newspeople to be digging for truth, the last thing you want to have to untangle is treachery by the digger in covering up vital information.

To see just how truth-compromised CNN's Anderson Cooper's approach to truth is, you only need to see how opposed Cooper is to the public doing their own due diligence and spreading it around so the world can see it with our own growing abilities online. His commitment to uncovering the full details of a story as crucial as Sandy Hook and having those digging results and theories reach the maximum audience is nil. Ignoring that we were finding suspicious contradictions and misinformation in the media, including his, online seekers finally exceeded his cultivated appearance of indifference. His programming response was to try to ridicule the work of online volunteers seeking in depth detail and tracking loose ends that the media were not, and Cooper then stooped to labeling the online people -- not passive like TV-hypno-druggies -- as tin-hats, when truth be told, it was the online seeker-public that had dug out the reality that Adam's physiology was not capable of executing the theory of the police tale, as well as uncovering the police' apparent mess up on the guns used. Etc. It's quite horrifying to think that there are completely-complicit-in-murder-level-evil people lurking in the nooks and crannies of the mainstream media that we recognize as being there when we see that AP bulletin announcing the shooting at the Newtown school slip out at 7:25AM December 14th, but to find it in the anchors, is beyond overlooking. Why? Because an occasional operative can manage to gain inside status in the fourth estate, but the existence of influential anchors who would attack people for finding better information to solve a heinous crime than he did AND be so well ensconced in the hierarchy, means that the hierarchy is corrupted, not just an isolated slipup in hiring. The culture of the organization is revealed in such behaviour as we saw in Anderson Cooper. Slitherin cheating.

The seeking-public (some accepting the name they are given, sometimes with derision, that they are 'truthers') is way ahead of all of them -- police and media -- and it's far from appreciated by the government and their mouthpiece-media. We shall consequently be seeing more calls for censorship of one kind or another. Not merely the police's judge-authroized clamp down for ninety days. Be prepared to fight off another CISPA-style government attempt to install a trigger to shut down websites they don't want seen.

On top of that likely return of CISPA type anti-internet attempts, there's already building up the absurd attack on private online gaming entertainment, reaching right into our private pursuits and interests in reality and trashing people's satisfying role-playing, making thoroughly unfounded insinuations that role-playing bad-guys is inherently evil, harmful to kids and bordering on converting players uncontrollably into mass murderers and hitmen... as if we should be so silly as to chase with tar-and-feathers those actors who dare to play the roles of villains as being such likely causes of murder in our streets. Like the old lady with her umbrella chasing 'JR Ewing', mashing him over the head with her bumbershoot.

So annoying and alarming is government and their media because they come with such lies, trumpeting unsound-to-nonexistent research, with their guns and lawyers and demand videos be removed from webpages.

But it's even more unsettling to see the sheeple roused to a self-appointed lynchmob-frenzy, roaming the 'net, and the street seeking illegal penalties (like publishing the private addresses of gun owners and more) and snitching and censoring of social media pages and youtube..

The perpetrated theater falsity masquerading as truth-seeking news by the career-climbing TV reporter would have been more difficult to expose without the security camera data quickly downloaded, possibly, so instead we had to rely on one of the online-seekers. They are the open-handed reliable ones. Almost impossible to imagine was the universality of falsehood in anchors lying about what they had found. Un-be-freakin-lievable.

And the list of perfidy and incompetence in media goes on when you add in the omissions. Like where's the interviewers of the janitor(s).
His testimony would be extremely 'interesting' and crucial. Precisely in that most shocking theory of the pedophile ring operation in which the switching of the bodies of the children could have been viewable on those camera recordings, but is denied to us if we depend on the mouthpiece-media, who should have unearthed the testimony of the most fabricated 'hero' of the day, the janitor, but, in fact, the media doesn't even know which one, no one seems to care, no media wants his interview? No questioning by media, nor even the police? Yet they claim he saved half the school at least???. Guffaw... Janitors don't matter??? Even if they constituted middle-of-the-action knowledge and truth... Not to these MSM people, not once they've used his story to boost their ratings and polished the agenda of their government handlers and story sources. A person from ordinary-land might have been unseemly as a hero on their polished stages and screens... Or if their perfidy goes so deep to be knowingly complicit in pandering to govt-engineered 'news', then someone may have told them not to 'bother' the janitor, effectively censoring all our newsworthy sources... Fourth estate, investigative, what a joke...

As for the trustworthiness of the school servicing professions, we will relate the information that many smalltime political operatives do make a fill-in income by signing up to be 'substitute teachers' as we have seen, though not the dangerous kind in our experience, thank you lady luck. However, the clearly simple way that such substitution contracts do allow the contractor to just make a quick decision on any given day's teaching opportunity based on whatever other operative, political business they may have for that day, without any loss of their access to future school-earnings-opportunities for fill-in income, does clearly favor operatives. Those flex-choice parttime, temporary operatives can also be danger prone contractors. The danger prone contractors could be hitmen, though many of those hitmen prefer HOLLYWOOD and TV backstage where those jobs are always being rescheduled, temporary for any given production's time and scene-changes. So hollywood also has some CIA dark-operatives based on their self-testimony, engaging in criminal work when their CIA or mob opportunities do present themselves. CIA opportunities apparently are more lucrative and more regular than maybe other hitmen, but the actors' and personalities' company and fill-in alibis are indispensible...

Which brings us to the FEMA crisis actors, to be considering next time, as you will see. TTYL