Sunday, January 01, 2006

Treason, Crackpot Claims and Internet Parallel Processing

One more piece of the Sept11 attack for you to consider before deciding who's attacking us. Have you seen any of the evidence that's accumulating on the pentagon attack? Maybe not. I could go through the pieces but it wouldn't be as stunning as the UK's PentagonStrike website.

OTOH, if IIRC, the site runs pretty fast, so if your connection in-coming is maybe not compatible...

The gist is that the official story of the administration is that Flight 77, a 60ton behemoth with 125' wings and a 150' long fuselage not only made that little 20' high narrow hole in the pentagon before the outerlayer collapsed and that it penetrated through 3 layers of the building, but left nearly nothing recognizable as appropriate sized aircraft parts out on the lawn nor inside the structure.

They claim that it hit going 500some mph, skimming only a couple feet above the ground or slowing only by bouncing on the approach, but in the photos there's no trace of damage of any kind to the landscaping and lawn, perfect for golfing.

And more, all lies, that intelligent media should have uncovered and should have demanded to see the immediately confiscated security cameras' tapes from the Sheraton, the DOD gas station and the highway crossed by whatever delivered the damage. The website video only highlights the glaring discrepancies in the evidence and draws the picture of the official lying process that led to absurdity. We however know from Gulf I that *we*, and a few others, have the drones with guidance controls to execute the flight path and they would usable in other size aircraft, including small commutercraft. And there's no logic nor evidence to connect what's basically drone use to "suicide" bombers. And where exactly is the original Flight 77, someone with authority is behind this. There's no natural Bermuda Triangle in Ohio.

So Now there's a petition being circulated to demand answers from those with that authority, under 'criminal' penalties for treason, which is what such a betrayal warrants. Oh my, how contentious! What crackpots!

Well, before the 'conspiracy theory' label-fears attack you, consider this. What has been going on online among those who detected something unsavory, or thought they did somewhere, is nothing more nor less than the speculations of exactly the type that produces good science, it's called brainstorming, but applied openly to social issues and on a scale of the internet, with all the powers of the wonders of distributed & human-parallel processing, and transparent for everyone to see and kibbitz. Unlike the glossy facade of their opponents, aka the establishment.

There's absolutely nothing crackpot about brainstorming, and if some of those engaged in it are enthused overly about their current discoveries or explanations and the energy of participation that's valid too, until the next better fitting theory gets worked out. There are huge benefits in co-operative research. If a flaw is discovered, so much the better, that's what generates improvement, in science as well as here online doing legal research. It's not fast, especially when you have opponents with the advantages in this case, but progress has been quite amazingly satisfactory.

It's only the "schoolish" who are rigid with fear about making a mistake and who succumb to the labelers. Remember, first and foremost, those who operate in secrecy, which includes most govt and corporations and those with enough money to hire fronts, have a vested interest in our not figuring out their games, hence the primary objective of the conspirators in the secrecy business is to deter you from figuring, to convince us that anyone who does suspect the unsavory is a crackpot.

Yup, it's bad enough being a fringey type, doing things 'different' in order to make headway against the current idiocy -- diversity is only a lipservice word -- now you've gotta endure the crackpot threat in order to see what's being hidden under the rug, because it will bite you.

Maybe 2006 will be better.

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