Confirming a ghastly possibility ?
Knowing what we know now about Adam and a few of the possible accomplices, maybe killers, it just seems so completely wrongheaded to imagine that anyone would give credence to the story of the 'heroic' janitor. But they did. Without thinking about it twice.
Imagine someone bold enough to come into range of the marksman-killer, accidentally or not, and demand that we believe he was close enough to the marksman-killer to demand that the gunman 'put down the gun'??. Then regale us with the idea that he then managed to get away, to run through the halls pushing students and teachers into their classrooms and locking their doors...While he stayed quietly somewhere out in the hallway, supposedly in mortal danger... And to live to tell the story to the police when they came in response to the 9-1-1 calls, presumably. Though all we have as evidence that he was actually standing guard, as the myths do say, is the story of his shouting to the police when they arrive that he isn't the shooter, retold by the 'saved' ones cowering inside the locked-down rooms, when they finally opened their doors b/c they heard the police come noisily down their hall.
So now what else could a janitor actually be doing in the hallways, such as in the first of the scenarios we are examining for its credibility, ghastly as that pedophile theory is. So is there a real hero? Somehow, his name was not easy to come by, nor was he ever interviewed by the media, wonder why?
Well, once the internet observers got ahold of this report, they went off to find out more about this individual 'hero', even if the media was content to just repeat the myth. Guess what those internet observers found.
First of all, there was a limited number of candidate janitors. First was the main custodian, named Kevin J Anzellotti, and the searching only found his facebook page which the data-miner decided she was not going to dignify the content thereof with her own description because she said it was rather obnoxious... However, by the time I saw her video and went there, the whole area was thoroughly familyized. Completely, not a sign of anything remotely 'obnoxious'.
SOMEONE was paying attention to the datamining on Youtube. Otherwise, just wonder why Anzelotti's page was suddenly drastically revised. We shall have to consult with the data-miner as soon as possible to see if that element of noxiousness matched one or another of the scenario theories..
The only other candidate for janitor-hero was a semi-retired former janitor who was not on the staff somehow until sometime after November this 2012, neatly just a month before the massacre he shows up to help? Neatly just about the time that the first of the slipups of uncleaned-up evidence of wrongdoing from the planning stages, handiwork that had been left visible online and discovered by data-miners, specifically the polished video memorial (about Sandy Hook victims) stored on VIMEO with a confirmatory dated twitter (complete with title) that the upload had been accomplished, all of which produced the expectable reactions when shown on Youtube... mop-up time after VIMEO tried to claim that the video (seen and clips captured and presented) had *really* been uploaded sometime *later* than the date showed (making one wonder how credulous they think we are).
The name of this 'other' janitor was Rick Thorne and may have been the actual one locking down all the rest of the school people so they wouldn't be involved with the disaster in progress. To the benefit of all concerned. The bearer of that name however, in any list of addresses and identities in the general Newtown area, was living quietly and not to be disturbed by anyone since he seems to be unavailable at the moment. Perhaps the police brutality idea of being threatened with handcuffs to be sent to jail might explain it. Else where can he be?
Well consider this, since WE KNOW THAT whichever mythical janitor source it was, that janitor bragger WAS FULLY LYING IN THE ATTEMPT TO SPREAD DISINFORMATION since we don't want to so easily believe that the shooters with their MARKSMANSHIP would have missed and neglected such a risky male interfering in the shooters' planning, then we would have asked different questions about his mythical activities while the massacre was supposedly in progress. And likely had him arrested as an accomplice, shortly.
For one, we'd like to know just what he was doing at the time of the 'encounter' with the killers AND that activity should also be on the security camera data. Because if the JANITOR was an accomplice, that completely makes it MUCH MORE FEASIBLE TO BRING DEAD CHILDREN INTO THE SCHOOL in boxes AND REPLACE THE GAS-ANESTHETIZED SANDY HOOK CHILDREN WITH THE DEAD ONES. Yes, presumably in suitably-sized, plastic-lined, cardboard boxes or even lightweight crates handled just looking like supply boxes with furnishings perhaps. Heaping the dead children -- used by the pedophiles and killed elsewhere with 'long gun' weapons using 3-11 bullets each, and boxed for this profitable operation -- anywhere in the classroom while gassing the cupboards where the teacher had put the students in, and maybe even blocked them in. The whole operation would not take very long WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF A KNOWLEDGEABLE JANITOR, or even two when needed.
So now you see why we think that there should not only be demands for the security camera footage presumably on cameras still in service, maybe even the data from the ones that could have been shot-out by the killers in the area where the killers were working.
but also for DNA TESTING OF PARENTS AND BURIED CHILDREN IF THE COFFINS WERE NOT DEMANDED TO BE OPENED PER PARENTAL DECISION FOR THE FUNERAL... Until the funeral, none of the parents were ever allowed to see their child, so who knows what child was buried in those coffins. If a coffin was wanted open for the funeral, in spite of the official instruction to parents not to do so, then the difficulty -- for the pedophile theory's viability -- is still surmountable by the criminals, IF at least one of the CORONER'S CREW (likely one of those brought in to 'help'? maybe from FEMA's drill group or from the state's drill group) WERE ALSO IN ON THIS OPERATION, THEN THE PERMITTING OF AN OPEN CASKET (with the wrong body currently planned for disposal) COULD BE RESOLVED BY ENDING THAT MOTHER'S REAL CHILD'S LIFE (aat that point in the custody of the pedophile) AND THAT NOW-DEAD CHILD BE RESUBSTITUTED in the casket AT DELIVERY TIME TO THE FUNERAL HOME. Ghastly, absolutely ghastly, but easily fitting the timeframes and supplying support for motive and profit to someone or to someones. And thoroughly consistent with the horribly immoral operators of such a pedophile ring where the lives of children are cheapened.
The Children's Story -- the mainstream possum vs the various children sought out by online media doing investigative coverage
As we scoured the evidence and other testimony of credible witnesses, we came to the testimony of children (appearing to be selected by online media) and have found it to be mostly in favor of this ghastly pedophile interpretation IF THE CORONER'S CLAIM OF 3-11 LONG RIFLE BULLETS PER VICTIM IS BELIEVABLE. Else the children's testimony means the Coroner was lying and the Witness Protection scenario is preferred.
To be specific: The children, uniformly have reported NOTHING LIKE THE HUNDREDS OF ROUNDS OF BULLETS FIRED RIGHT THERE INSIDE THEIR OWN OTHERWISE QUIET SCHOOL BUILDING. Unlike the woman's 9-1-1 statement, presumably at the initiating of police involvement, claiming the curiously accurate number of bullets in the police theory that the autopsies seem to also show -- a hundred gunshots she said, in advance basically.
Hundreds of bullets? A horrendous racket of cacophony that would have likely rattled the windows all over, judging from the online demonstration of the decibels of actual gunfire from either a Bushmaster or an AR-15 and we do suggest that FIRING RANGES ARE AN EXAMPLE OF HOW CACOPHONOUS THAT MAYHEM WOULD HAVE BEEN,
So let's examine those children's , LIKELY, innocent-of-agenda testimonies.
A couple of the older boys did report that the their estimate of the gunfire was not rapid fire, nor many, but more like 'animal control workers' they thought might be in the woodsy area somewhere nearby. As far as frequency and less than cacophonous sound, this would fit with the teacher's assistant in the locked down part of the school, who also added that the firing came in a pair of sessions, separated by a significant pause, during which time she was using her cellphone to call 9-1-1, plus calling her daughter who was an EMT thinking she would have been frighteningly alerted to come to her mother's aid but found out that no EMT alert had been sent yet. Some questioned her veracity since her description was not representative of the expected cacophony, but now may be seen as the giveaway that the gun story is majorly not trustworthy.
Another child of younger age and possibly in a more nearby classroom if the classes were arranged progressively by age-grade, said that it sounded like 'pots and pans clattering' like someone clumsily handling furniture, which was the assessment of another child who said that it sounded like the 'janitor banging furniture around in the gym' rafters or some such structural storage idea. All of which support the idea that the janitor (maybe both) was/were moving bodies in boxes in haste.
Now let's look at the major play given to another mainstream media-favored child.
The only story that is currently being harder to analyze is the story of the child, the only one in the 'first classroom' to escape being killed with the other near couple dozen dead children, was that she was 'playing dead' under the piled up disarray.
Well now that poses the interesting question, DID SHE ONLY GO OUT OF CONSCIOUSNESS MOMENTARILY (not getting as much gas) WHILE THE OTHERS WERE BEING SHIPPED INTO BOXES AND SHE GOT MIXED UP WITH THE ALREADY DEAD CHILDREN... OR.... WAS SHE ONE OF THE ACTOR-CHILDREN, maybe never even in the class, AND WAS SIMPLY DOING HER ROLE FOR THE DISINFORMATION OPERATION? [The actors in this circus will be analyzed in the next posting] You can guess..
Now it's our turn. We would ask how it was unrecognized that, with all the bullets flying 'supposedly in the police-interpreted story', that some stray bullet must be hiding somewhere in that child's body. So figure it out yourself. We keep trying to find a way to discard this pedophile theory, or even the govt/mafia theory, BUT IT KEEPS COMING BACK IN SPADES. We thought for a while that the possum-playing child was going to succeed in complicating the pedophile theory, until we thought of the stray bullet problem. If there were no stray bullets in that child's body then the possum story does not make sense (unless there weren't that many bullets at all and the official 9-1-1 caller is lying, for her own reasons), and only the knock-out gas idea (then finding herself under the pile of the coverup children, whose presence would be being cleared away as she was being unearthed by rescuers so she would not have been wanting to see more of the horror) explains her experiences as well as CONFIRMS THE OPERATIONAL DETAILS. Ghastly, but we must be DEMANDING RELIEF from uncertainty BY EVIDENCE TO EITHER SAVE THE 'MISSING CHILDREN' OR TO RENDER THE THEORY'S PUZZLES OTHERWISE EXPLAINED.
So we would demand the dead children be exhumed BY INDEPENDENTS FOR DNA EXAMINATION, defintely FROM OUTSIDE THE U.S. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT's CONTROL AND OUTSIDE ERIC HOLDER'S ALLIES' CONTROLLING INTERESTS.. assuming they weren't cremated. then what...
Surveillance Cameras Needed
We have heard from one of the swat-knowledgeable Youtubers pursuing this story that HOLDER, yes Fast & Furious Holder, HAS TAKEN CUSTODY OF THE TAPES ! As our source said, "Just like the 9-11 Pentagon security camera tapes"...
Would we even trust whatever video concocted data the police/Holder would produce by this time, without broad spectrum internet experts' own confirmation of it being genuine?? Not!
If the police said that they kept an original, then let them show it post haste, otherwise it's a unreliable as the Holder copy, and in fact, even now, it's been too long for clear trust of any kind.
How much worse could the police have handled this? There's no indication in anything they have told us or produced that would suggest that they even made use of such a valuable piece of evidence. So we don't know if the security system failed, if the management of the security system failed, or if the police even looked at anything on it at all.
You might have wondered if there was a security system there at all to be looked at, or what was handed over to Holder.. The announced-to-parents high-tech surveillance and security system, that appeared to have been installed at the Sandy Hook grade school, supposedly worked by insisting on personal face and/or card identification, which system's records should provide such answers to confirm or expose comings and goings, at the very least. How many more cameras? Location? Their condition? Were the cameras even turned on? That leaves us to seriously doubt even the school's security staffers.
What was reasonable to expect from these people with direct and immediate access?
Quick responsiveness is REASONABLE TO EXPECT. Especially when the police department had massacre crisis training, as we have seen their CT state mouth-piece 'lieutenant' Paul Vance did appear in DHS videos of Aurora, CO, scavenged from DHS propaganda. Amazed at his Batman massacre presence?
How fast could the data have been in the hands of the police? As an example of the sort of speed expectable: When the asteroid exploded over Russia just a couple weeks ago, it was only moments before someone had uploaded the security footage of the timeframe around the impact so that the results in one of the offices being watched by a video security camera could be seeable and show how things shook and how the impact could be evaluated. No questions asked, 'rapid' is not beyond expectation.
If the stuff existed, maybe its display of the evidence WAS NOT confirming THEIR wild theory of a lone crazed shooter or maybe they didn't want to look? You'd think security tapes didn't exist, even though it appears the system did, which would mean possibly that the security system was intentionally shut down temporarily. Totally unacceptable managing.
The investigation was so tangled with chases in the woods suggesting multiple shooters, and the total confusion over weapons used, is just so suspect as being directed mismanagement by 'someone' with clout or control.
Reasonably evaluated, they needed immediate confirmation in the security tapes of real timing, sound & fury, number of shooters (four like the car doors opened?) which weapons, others in the hallways, including escaping children (how?), who to believe in the tangled lies. Those tapes' data should have been IMMEDIATELY ACCESSED BY STAFF UNDER SUPERVISION AND PRESENTED AS CONFIRMING-REASSURANCE THAT ALL THE MURDERER(S) WERE DOWN AND NOT STILL AT LARGE and that THOSE NOW IN CHARGE WERE COMPETENTLY HANDLING THE EVIDENCE, knowing where to look for prints, and myriad other messed up details....
You be your own judge.
The families testified that they experienced that security systems' operation whenever they came to the school, so you'd think security tapes did truly exist as advertised, IF the security system was not intentionally shut down temporarily... why? to accommodate the incoming killers'? Leading back to the suspicions about insiders helping the killers. Turning it off 'inadvertently' doesn't seem credible for a manager of that security system. Police and security staffers should have to answer for this loss of evidence. And in Holder's hands it's truly lost. End of that vital opportunity. On to another.
Next we want to look at Mass Media Treachery and FEMA's knowable use of Crisis Actors.. Then we're ready to open the pandora's box of The Reason for Adam and Nancy.. what a knockout. TTYL
The implications of Adam's innocence vs the 'pre-visit' staffer emergence
First of all, we demand to know the name/identity of the claimed Sandy Hook staff member who the media boldly reported that he had been involved in an 'altercation' with Adam Lanza, and precisely the "three other" adult victims of the mass murder and that this claimed confrontation took place THE DAY BEFORE THE MASSACRE, specifically on December 13th at the Sandy Hook school. With such an undeniable agenda to convict Adam Lanza of intention to kill those three people (and likely the claimant himself, by his inference), such an explosive statement is INDICATIVE OF A SEVERELY INCRIMINATING PLOT PIECE. Yet the bearer of such lying is hidden from public view, and should be entirely suspected.
Worse, the ability to substantiate or explore that explosive claim was suspiciously EXTINGUISHED in the massacre itself, so what was the police's basis for trusting or dismissing such an explosive motive. In which case, we now have the responsibility to demolish that bearer of lying.
And we further wonder how that suspect got credibility to be broadcast on NBC and major media, with NO verification from the official controllers either, since NBC declined to reveal who their 'police' source was, REVEALING THAT IT SEEMS THE MEDIA IS DRIVING THE OFFICIAL CONTROL.
It could all be a FABRICATION of the mainstream-media to hide their totally exposed false-reports on Adam that they broadcast the day before and to now hide how those broadcasted-lies were defeated by the internet with the strangely fine help of people's cellphones and cameras, completely to the media's embarrassment online (though in the TV world, the major networks were dribbling toxins into the TV-viewing public's veins, though not quite successfully), now being papered over by some mythical newly emerging chimera with lies to distract the public from their puzzling and to seem to repair the media's previous toxic 'opinions' in their now-claimed revival from the 'fog of war' confusions down in the trenches with the police (where they imply the public's internet was not privy) so as to denigrate the consensus forming in the public mind that the media were in on something unwholesome..
And lo and behold. we have just seen that unwholesomeness is so likely the case, as we see again in another one of those amazing discoveries. Now the discovery is of the stunning AP bulletin that was issued TWO HOURS BEFORE THE SHOOTINGS and found in extended searching by a sharp sleuther. That internet sleuther has displayed on Youtube the screen print of that AP news bulletin THAT WAS POSTED at precisely 7:25 AM ON THE DAY OF THE MASSACRE... that AP Bulletin says:
"Police respond to report of school shooting in Newtown, Conn.: few other details available"
See this understatement here:
Stunning discovery being relayed by one Youtuber in his compilation of evidence, with the young woman discoverer's Screencasting cursor pointing momentarily to the 'BREAKING' designation, where the cursor is highlighting the area inside the cursor's bright green circle. It must be all over the net by now. The posting date by someone at Associated Press Newservice is roughly lower left, left of 'Embed this Tweet' and below the row of icons. Drop dead clear..!
I don't suppose the control of data is so tight that AP could discover the identity of the poster of that BULLETIN, or would they... surely there were an amazing number of 'mistaken' press bulletins in that early period, fully confusing most people totally, and creating the 'fog of war' that the media later used as their 'out' for their own later-and-with-full-research-credibly-doable bad coverage. If that identity were available, right now, it had better be retrieved or be swept off the scene, as other evidence slipping out.
And we shall remember that the powerful over-reaching forces behind this engineered massacre will have some spokesperson declaring that 'some' programmers made 'some' sleight of hand datestamp-option for 'some' reason that is not very logical but obviously it accounts for the date discord and we are scolded: we must trust "THEIR COMMON SENSE" or risk being seen as a tin-hat. Which common sense of the generic sort says they've been caught and ALL THE MANY programmers IN SEVERAL DIVERSE SYSTEMS were not conceivably the problem in CASE AFTER CASE OF PREMATURE ESCAPES OF EVIDENCE OF CRIMINAL PREPARATION... from Facebook pages that memorialized the valiant death of Soto DAYS BEFORE she was 'a victim', to the United Way solicitation of donations for the victims before any 'shooting' happened, to death certificates prior to deaths, to the KNOCKOUT VIDEO ON VIMEO showing a polished presentation on the heroics at Sandy Hook with an upload date of mid-November, a whole MONTH AHEAD OF THE MASSACRE (which cowardly Vimeo management when confronted with the discovery of the date of uploading, said they opined that it was truly possible that you could upload a new video over the older one without the date-of-upload being changed, believe it or not, and when the discoverers didn't believe it, the notified owners of the video made it 'private' and then removed it altogether)... So use your common sense, because there are at least some copies, including ones made with the screencasting displayed?
However, in the event that some Sandy Hook staffer still has his involvement-trepidation-overcome so that he will persist in his lying, we shall insist that Adam's evidence of Aspergers conditions exposes that Staffer's lying, and that ADAM NEVER ACCOSTED ANYONE AT SANDY HOOK and the logic works in the following way:
5) Since aspergers' symptoms were being considered in some depth in our previous post, we shall not repeat the details and shall, on that basis, demand that the fellow on staff at the school who claimed that he and 'the three' other dead staff members were accosted by Adam unexpectedly the day before the massacre, be held in suspicion, maybe even in custody. He curiously did not show up 'for work' **in time** at the school on the day of the shooting as the 'other three victims' did whom he claims were with him in some nebulous 'altercation' with Adam the day before the massacre. HE SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY CONSIDERED A LIAR BASED ON WHAT WE KNOW OF ASPERGER ADAM, since Aspi Adam would, first of all, not have been poking around unexpectedly at some place unusual for him, as this school surprise visit may clearly be seen to be. Such an unfamiliarity-plagued, location-changing discomfort is not desirable by any Aspi and would not have been pursued on his own, especially with his mother out of town as his carer, should things go wrong if such a wild idea ever crossed an Aspi's thoughts in the first place. Secondly, Nancy had left Adam a supply of prepared meals so that he'd be comfortable with his usual routines while she was on her latest holiday in NH for a pair of days. That is how Adam operated. No way would a super cautious, intelligent Aspi take off into the uncertainty-charged atmosphere of unfamiliarity and venture to accost strange people, not seen in a dozen years at the very least. No way! [ If ever at all, since another source said that Adam went to St Rosa's in the early years, not Sandy Hook Elem.]
As for the purpose of such lying claim and prejudicial-conviction-attempt... clearly the MURDEROUS PLANNERS' goal was to focus everyone's attention on Adam. THE MURDERING SCHEMER'S PATSY, their FALL-GUY IS SUPPOSED TO GET THE ATTENTION so that police/media attention to investigation in the crucial early hours when the trail is hot is taken away from pursuing any other possible criminal collaborators.
RESULT in PATSY IMAGE: Creating an 'animosity' and hatefulness, not just drugged-confusion senselessness AS WE WERE SEEING IN AURORA last summer.
RESULT in VICTIM IMAGES: Maybe the 'brave three' were to be seen as too trusting of Autists (?) and other 'strangely different' people, but then even if beneficently trusting, they SHOULD HAVE REPORTED such odd-visit behavior, making the 'three' not so clever, and providing a 'lesson' for the public. This somewhat diminishes the victims now being credited with heroism in potentially defending child victims, so it must be highly important as the intended message (now who would want such a snitch-embellishing message imprinted on the public mind)... Counter interpretation: (If, as some have suggested, no one really died, then envy of the glory being attributed to the adult victims in the preposturous pronouncements of the posing-as-all-seeing Superintendent -- without any real events knowledge in her possession -- could be another favored explanation, depending on when this 'pre-visit' story did get put into circulation.)
NEEDED FOR PROPER INVESTIGATIVE CONCLUDING: timing and sequencing of related statements.
Well at least on "timing" we have the next-day-AM NBC video date, pretty much eliminating the envy route (since the superintendent's sort of praise was not yet in play so soon): the villain had already put this claim of a supposed pre-visit into the police thinking before the end of the day of the massacre, but possibly not so late as to be seen as still needing questioning overnight, so that would put the disinformation likely in the midst of the confusion of the other captured suspects (from the woods, etc). because it was said in the NBC report early the next day, that the authorities were 'still' questioning this individual at that time with no reported results. We must have the name of that lying staffer who was magnifying his own crime-scene-intelligence while attempting to point at Adam with a libelously claimed motive.
But more than that criminal need to point at Adam as 'to-be-hated', there's another level of significance... The fabrication of such a full-blown image-tale with potentially risky revealing explanation DETAILS (as such an altercation episode would have and be requirable to be revealed) out of thin air (since Adam's innocence reveals the void where Adam was said to have been), suggests considerable *need*, not just prejudice against someone 'different' and 'conveniently accusable' nor as an explanation for not being at work that morning, which leads us to conclude that his motives were likely severely criminal, of some sort. So what were those risky involvements and motives...
How would such an individual be involved as one of the criminals? A number of possible gyrations in the tangled lying start unraveling as soon as we look, all of them seem to leave this lying individual in the line-up of criminals. So let's untangle them, just to favor the idea that he might not be *entirely* lying about 'the three':and him being in an altercation, though he was entirely lying about Adam's involvement.
To analyze the possible gyrations, visualize a branching tree. First branching point (there was no altercation at all) or (there was an altercation with that group among themselves). Then from each of those branching alternative explanations of reality, there are consequences to be explored in order to arrive at the motives and risky involvements.
BRANCH 1: Since Adam wasn't involved in any such altercation, was there an altercation at all?
If there was no altercation at all, then what role do the 'other three' victims play in a non-altercation scenario? CRUCIAL PUZZLE to identify consequences: Branch 1a) -- (Were they intentionally targeted for some as yet unknown reason) or (were they simply in the way and got killed?)
If those 'three' weren't supposed to be in the way but were there anyway, possibly the plan was to USE ANYONE WHO DID GET IN THE WAY as being the main mysteriously-explainable target of the murderous planner's chosen patsy. Such an immediate connection would focus more police/media feeling of there having been intent to get those 'three' (not that they were just collateral damage) in the lone-shooter-theory image and so the killers' team would plan to belatedly reveal such pre-visit disinformation about some 'altercation' with *whomever* got in the way on shooting day, with the lying disinformer as an observer/paricipant of such altercation who could lyingly point to Adam as possibly seeking revenge. Since there would likely be some other victims than just children, then WE'D WANT TO KNOW HOW **SOON** THIS LYING INDIVIDUAL WAS FOISTING HIS LIE ON THE OFFICIALS..
If he waited until he was informed about the identities of the adult victims, then there's a possibility that his role was simply as 'escape-accomplice to murder' of the children and distracting police from other work on the case
If however that lying individual did present his faulty story before being told the identity of the victims, then he is one of the shooters and maybe even the precise killer designated to 'handle' anyone who would get in the way. And he wouldn't have to run away very much, since he would be expected to be onsite, so he'd want to maybe be found just cowering in a closet like the rest, or be seen as if he were just arriving from the parkinglot (not fleeing, just hiding down in his car that he'd left there over night).
Else if the 'three' were actually to be targeted, then a lot of 'interesting questions' should follow. Not the least of which is what was the basis of the discord between that lying individual and the 'three' that brought on their targeting during the massacre...
Was the 'discord' already in the open prior to the massacre (in which case they must have known something about what was going on that affected the killers so as to trigger such a payback).
Or was the discord between them and the lying individual still just *impending* (and then they apparently stood in the way of some opportunity or new player who would replace one of them and undo the relationship of the 'three' in a way crucial to some mafia style operation, like a pedophile ring in the area using school resources after hours, for example. Or using Sandy Hook's information resources, etc, but wanting more. In any case, the disinformer is DIRECTLY implicated in their murders.
BRANCH 2: If there was an altercation, then the possibility of targeting is way increased and the question would be how could the presence of 'those three' be arranged reliably at the massacre site-to-be and on the killers' schedule. That ruse-need being done would be an indication that there was another staffer (since the disinformer wasn't at the school in the morning)also in the killers' group, like maybe the janitor (who incidentally was known to be in the area of the arriving shooters, per some tale of "heroics" AND lived to tell about it) who could be conjuring the need for the principal (one of 'the three') and her relatable associates (psychologist and one more) to come to the first grade class where the janitor has deposited some arriving boxes requiring a principal's signature and others' overseeing opinions on merit of the delivered items. So it would be easily conceivable whether done or not, and would imply a second insider. Such insiders could also explain how the security cameras would be possibly able to get near instantaneous destruction so as to provide no record of the rampage, since being in possession of that location-knowledge would make such instantaneous destruction quite attainable for a professional target expert, as we have demonstrated the shooters did include
The official story is that 'the other three' went to the first grade classroom after the shooting started to see what was going on and rushed right in. Believable? Umm, sure, maybe or maybe not. If the shooters had to shoot their way into the front door as is believed, and then turned immediately toward the first grade classrooms (instead of toward the offices as the floorplan description in the governor's summary did claim per police-provided analysis) then how fast did 'these other three' (instead of summoning police help) rush from their meeting down the hall in order to arrive in time to intercept the shooters and be caught in the firing squad? Try picturing that as possible. Impossible, in your opinion, too?
Hundreds of rounds were supposedly being fired in those close quarters. In fact, if the shooters went straight to the classroom as the governor was supposedly summarizing with precision and a floorplan for the TV audience to understand how fast the disaster did overtake Sandy Hook before the highspeed response police could possibly arrive -- in 10 minutes? he emphasized, but clearly he is measuring from the time when the 9-1-1 calls came in reporting the shooting which calls were eventually numerous, but the front desk person was reported to have dove into hiding and didn't re-emerge for a lengthy time, per the varnished account provided by the nurse, iirc, so how much time elapsed, before the first call came at 9:35 is wobbly. Unvarnished accounts from the far side of the building (to be explored later), after they were hustled into classrooms and locked in by the janitor, per their story did estimate (unfortunately colored by fear) that the 10 minutes was 25min. Working from the ten minutes rapidity, then how did the first graders get hidden in the cabinets before the rushing shooters got to the room. They must have taken a full ten seconds, just to realize that the incredible cacophony was inconceivable-to-ordinary-people real gunfire right inside their hallways and nearby. The whole blessed room would have still been standing in a state of shock from the entry-way shootup noise, and possible security camera disabling. No time to register that an assault is what's in progress and make plans (not unless you're israeli and/or you've been drilled in such a ridiculous alarm strategy of hiding in cabinets for a shooter lockdown). You'd barely have time to screech 'what the hell was that' and look at your co-workers and/or students for their state of shock, before the idea sets in that it's real gunfire, but what to do. Those guns are LOUD, especially indoors (about 150 decibels, where people complain about generator noise of a paltry few decibels). Meanwhile those gun-wielders are on their way to go the short distance down the hall to the first room.
For analyzing the police theory for 'the three', in those short moments after the initial 10 second shock and awe, then seconds to drop what you are doing 'in the meeting' in some account, what would 'the three' be thinking on their way, following and seeing the destruction of the security lock and camera, and anything near those items, already having to have been 'blown away' without hesitation since their function and location were known to the shooters? Meanwhile the shooting is still going on. Doesn't 'oh my god' slow you down in your haste? 'What do I do?' Using up roughly a whole 60 seconds of the likely 3 minutes that the shooters were 'devoting' to the first classroom, with about an eery 3 minute pause (accounted for in the report of the an arriving mother with a bookbag to deliver and an unvarnished account of one locked-down teacher's aid on the far side of the building) with another 3 minutes spent in the second classroom before the police arrived and the shooters had split. So although their arrival and targeting is still possible, it doesn't seem likely that there was anyone from that classroom moving about to be saved by the last half minute of the three.
So we see, that 'the three' being in the midst of the first classroom massacre does more practically require some pre-planning, just to make the whole story hang together time-wise and misplaced sense of helping. So concluding, if there was an altercation among 'those three' and the disinformer, then there's likely another complicit-in-the-murder insider who co-operated in order to target 'the three'. Agreed, so as to arrange their presence with the disinformer not at the school yet that day? So that takes care of Branch 2 as well , and with Branch 1 included, then either that disinformer is complicit in mass murder or is one of the shooters himself. So give us his identity and make him take the Fifth in order to avoid FURTHER self-incrimination. Agreed?
The other realization that there are at least one and maybe a FEW more insiders in the mass murder. We wonder just when the 'one' in the offices did make the call to 9-1-1 which may not have been quite as soon as 'first' since one account said there were still more calls coming in when she called the second time, after the "pause". quite 'late' (relative to the bursting in the door) though that 'one' would have had to have known that the responsibility was on their heads, specifically on the head of the office person in charge of opening the front security door. Agreed that's likely?
And the office person in charge of opening the front security door would not likely -- on that 'shooting' day -- have been the 'secretary' who was so unusually taking a sick-day that precise day and then showing up when the mess was done, apparently not so down-and-out-for-the-count at all. That person in charge of the security door is one we want to ask about her own activities during the shooting. Plus there was -- according to the sources cited on wikipedia-- a 'secretary' hiding with the 'nurse', somehow, with the nurse under her desk in one account? What kind of infrastructure does Sandy Hook have? How many staffers did honestly have control of people-contact for the school.. and where were they when the shooting started?
With now possibly two insider accomplices and a possible insider as shooter emerging from pacifying one or another of the explanations needed, one begins to take the mafia and pedophile images rather seriously. The nationality of the 'mafia' is open to limited exploring since we are of the opinion that Eric Holder appears to have CONFIRMED links to drug cartel Sinaloa, whereas Obama has both Israeli/Jewish and muslim motivation ties. And Holder/Obama/Napolitano all have American mafia-style forces in the less-than-honorable employee elements in DHS, FBI, ATF and CIA. Consider the book I was an economic hitman whose author says that not all the employees in the U.S. spy and enforcement ranks are as naive as to deny the existence and knowledge of those mafia-style forces inside the Executive Branch. Taking the groups, one by one:
The Sinaloa option is going to be somewhat compromised by current courtroom difficulties in Chicago. Those relations are stressed to their limit.
Israeli enterprising swat squads would be uninterested in aiding Obama's tyrannical anti-gun progress since Obama was unsupportive of the Israeli's expressed wishes that the US should block Palestinians receiving favor from the U.N. just that month so those highly trained squads would only be snubbing such an assignment, under any banner. And as for the Israeli intelligence operatives being the ones possibly designing this massacre for their own swat teams, even Netanyahu would be unwilling to put the American Jewish population into defensive modes again without real benefit to Israel, not just his image-pique nor simple revenge against the U.S. for not blocking the Palestinians in their U.N. bid.. And the Israelis have no motive for involving Adam.
However we would note that someone of the murderous planner's team of disinfomation-planters did try to implicate the anti-moslem Danish mass murder confusion as connected to Sandy Hook, by leaving some info-sheets on that affair in Adam's area, as if Adam were so inclined to 'envy' that murdering game. So how did the info-sheets get there... by having either an insider in the police department drop them there when they first found Nancy with intent to mislead the investigation team, or presumably an unsuccessful investigative team desperate to 'come up with some clue' so they manufactured one, but why anti-muslim Danish as a model for a hated target. Or MUCH more likely the killers who murdered Nancy and kidnapped Adam, were instructed to plant those sheets when they had full opportunity to set the scene at the house, easily intending to mislead the police investigators who would be combing the house for Adam's stuff. Don't you agree?
And furthermore, we would thoroughly notice the amazing amount of British news coverage that was filthy with misinformation, and would suppose that the British are not as known for being controlled by the "Jewish block" as the American politicians are reputed to be, and are instead easily more inclined to be under Moslem influence, in London especially, don't you agree?
Hence we'd figure that the murderous planners were under more pro-moslem influence, which would be suggesting the Obama parentage connection as the idea-driving source, though not the manpower source, which was discredited in 9-11 as camel jockeys used as pawns, who couldn't fly a piper but could jet-pilot-enviably spiral a 757 into ground-skimming precision to thread the needle's eye and smash into the precisely least monitored path and point on the entire perimeter of the high-security Pentagon Building, and/or even more hilariously magically bring down even Building 7, independent of the World Trade Buildings 1 and 2, from remotely caused ordinary office fires, precisely descending gracefully into its own footprint. ROTFLMHO
So executive branch insiders with direction to serve Obama somewhere.. Adding the government mouthpiece media insiders.. crowned by insider slipups in evidence escaping into public view, if you will agree that your tinhat feels ok.
Now, that momentary pedophile-reference above (in the mafia list) may seem rather shocking out of the blue, but as a matter of fact the black honda thought to be "Nancy's car" allegedly "being driven by Adam" in their lone gunman theory (presuming that Adam was still alive and able to drive with his Aspergers, some Aspis cannot handle road stress even without other life stresses, and certainly not under such enormously horrendous conflict circumstances as the killers were putting Adam under) leads someplace unexpected and almost discarded.
That black honda was described by one of the earlier unknowing parents arriving to deliver part of a missing schoolbag's needed requirements, just as the shooting was likely restarting (since according to one teacher's assistant inside the 'safely lockdown' side of the school building, there had been a significant pause, and this arriving mother was unaware of any shooting noises as she approached the school entry (but soon noticed the broken glass at the entry, so the massacre was in play) and as she was just reaching the frontstep, she noticed the strangest feature of a black honda just STANDING WITH ALL FOUR DOORS WIDE OPEN and some cloth-like items, possibly a couple of dark towels scattered around it. Why would a lone shooter open all four doors?? is what those of us pursuing this case want to know. She just thought it was unusual and had only a momentary look before she claimed to have realized there was trouble inside the school after noticing that the glass pane alongside the door was broken up, and then the shooting started (again) so she quickly high-tailed it out of harm's way. (To use her cellphone from the safety of her car to seek help?)
About that noticing of broken glass next to the entry door, someone analyzing overhead views (news chopper video covering the incident? though maybe taken earlier?) frame-by-frame, showed an image of the entry that didn't seem busted up. Oh well, surely no one would clean up a crime scene. Also analyzing that scene, some suggested that the discarded black cloths were to conceal their guns until the last moment, and were dropped when ready to enter the school. Much examination was going on. But that initial recognition of the strange black honda as the vehicle the killers may have likely come in started even more interesting searching.
That black honda was wrapped in crime-scene yellow tape once the police were in charge and was left sitting there overnight, at least it seems so, because they didn't discover the sole long gun (bushmaster? shotgun? whatever, the only long gun anywhere) in its trunk until it was quite dim out, and maybe even that car was unattended over two nights, since the mainstream media made a fuss about the towing away of "Nancy's car", supposedly on the 16th, two days later. WITH NO MENTION OF FINGERPRINTS TAKEN. And over that period, a couple of other cars seemed to be also suspiciously unattended (left for what by whom), some with yellow tape, plus one (with a busted driver-side window, covered up) in the driveway of the neighbor (his role to be discussed later) just a stones' throw from the school and across from the firehouse where supposedly all the rescued children were sent in order to organize reuniting episodes with parents? The license plates of those cars were duly copied, when possible, from examining crime scene images. Those plate numbers could be magical. Other vehicles of interest to the police were not so easily taggable by their plates.
The black honda with the doors originally wide open (closed later by someone with likely no examination?) at the front of the school had plates that said 872YEO so most attention was on that plate. Wondering what the police were finding (or hiding again), folks were listening and recording police band radio. A few who were listening to the police radio bands for the local area, some taping simultaneously as many as 2 or 3 at a time, were convinced that they heard a police officer identify the owner of that car as being someone named Christofer Rodia and the race was on to find out what there was on that individual, via data mining.
It turned up that he had a couple of homes, one in the area and one in Florida. But most stunning was the record of HIS CONVICTIONS, for PEDOPHILE CRIMES. Someone with likely 'ring' connections as a CHILD-ABUSER suspiciously near a murder of small CHILDREN... Fireworks.. And connections to drug names/addresses in the area. After bringing the information to query the police officials, and being told by them that there was no record of any relationship to Sandy Hook, the re-examining of the audio records went into high gear and produced a possible explanation, namely that the Rodia suspect, while driving his own car by that time, was almost an hour away and was stopped for some other reason, and his identity exposed, but the signal on that radio band from the police making the stop, was underlaying the audio from the other police department band, making it sound as if the identification was for the 872YEO request. Dang.
So after that discouraging discovery, it was decided that maybe there was no connection to the murders. Another clue thrown away, prematurely.? Although Rodia was now considerably further away than most might have thought was relatable to the Sandy Hook location, the fact that Rodia is not the "owner" of the black honda, DOES NOT MEAN THAT HE WASN'T POSSIBLY THE DRIVER for the killers and left immediately in his pre-planned escape vehicle -- since the Honda had to be left for the police to tie to Adam's arrival and failure to escape -- for some reason not yet figured out, maybe because he had that triggering record as a pedophile, that would blow the case wide open if his presence close to Sandy Hook were noted when the shooting was done.
And if it was so incredibly important that his connection to Sandy Hook and pedophilia was so crucial to be avoiding his involvement at such lengths, then who's skin is behind this operation to make it unforgivable to fail to keep him off the radar. So should this be discarded, not in my neophyte opinion. The connection to VULNERABLE CHILDREN is TOO UNCOMFORTABLE TO JUST DROP IT YET.
Such a pedophile connection to a 'school tragedy' was part of the monstrous strategy that may be part of the recent scandal in Britain that took down the BBC's chairman/CEO for his squashing of a revealing documentary. I remember seeing a video a while back (sometime around the time of the scandal's aftermath this fall in which a high ranking group of pedophiles was -- after the hours of work -- running a ring for the rich and powerful, as well as for visiting dignitaries and government spies from all over, possibly going all the way back to the Profumo affair of the 1960s. This ring was specifically engaging in child abuse beyond sexual abuse. In one of those episodes to try to escape discovery, they needed to get rid of a group of victims, brutally harmed, and so they arranged a fire at some **other** children's school, switched the bodies of the children they needed to be rid of with the children of that school, burned the school with the identities of the undesired victims obliterated conveniently in the fire as if they were the original children attending that school. The children that they absconded with who used to be quietly attending that one now-burned school, became the 'new flesh' for the rich and famous abuser-pedophiles.
So we think that we should explore this Sandy Hook massacre very thoroughly just in case those Sandy Hook children (supposedly the ones in the coffins) are still alive somewhere, in the custody of some mafia's pedophile operations, which operations btw may include some CPS (child protective services') disappearing children, though those children are reputed to be mostly black children, as I recall in the furor over the CPS attempt to take that woman's child and force drug her child in Detroit, which the mother (Maryanne Godboldo) was trying to prevent. Eventually getting to a justifiable gun involvement at one point where the furor that resulted made widespread awareness come online..
That British operation did sometimes use what they would call 'homes' (more maybe like orphanages) to 'store' their supply of victims. Horrifying is not even close to what this did imply about the complicity of the government's "carers" on top of the elite's access to control and escape from justice when anyone got wise. People trying to blow their abusers' cover, had accidents, documented in that video coverage, and people living in the area (as well as royalty when one of the older children appealed for help) shunned the idea that such wild talk was 'real' and/or did not seem to understand that it was precisely the *carers* who were the pedophiles' , the 'johns' and accomplices, and so the pedophiles did manage to kill that boy in one of the attempts, not just his, to end the pedophile tormenters' access. As you may agree, such a story is not one you always think you'd need to keep more carefully filed. Now if I could just unearth that referenced video that came in an email, stashed somewhere in my inbox...
[ This is the latest British pedophile scandal story as it appears in the mainstream at the moment: A major media scandal has toppled the head of the BBC over the network’s handling of two reports on sex abuse, wrongly implicating a politician in one report, and killing the other report on its own popular BBC host, the late Jimmy Savile. One year after his death, Savile has been accused of abusing potentially hundreds of victims, over 300 children, while the BBC stayed silent. ]
It was covered by many media about in mid November 2012, about when this Sandy Hook operation may have been in planning stages? Inspiring the killers still in planning mode?
And before anyone tries to ever claim that such massive corrupt pedophile rings could never be part of this country's own elite, we just were lucky enough to have wonderfully intuitive circulate the rough UNAIRED DOCUMENTARY (planned to be broadcast in Ireland and the UK) THAT WAS SILENCED TOTALLY BACK IN 1993 about the FRANKLIN SCANDAL, a $40 million bank fraud with A PEDOPHILE RING that reached from Nebraska's Boy's Town to the Whitehouse party guests and Embassy Row. The sex perversion was covered up by the FBI who sealed the evidence in such a tangled list of obstacles-to-release as to make it gone forever. In Washington DC, there were special services and The Golden Boys 'specialty' sought boys under 10years old. And yes, the drugs, sadism, and blackmailing of influential officials, etc was all in that maze.
That story was attempted to be investigated by the Washington Times in DC, to no avail when the FBI sealed the evidence after seeing that the WT reporter, Rodriguez, was digging into the files; the witness-victims were prosecuted for perjury in NB's attempt (started by a righteous legislator, then thwarted by the county prosecutor 'editing' the video evidence being shown to the jury so as to frame the witness for perjury, with further assistance from the FBI) with unheard-of sentences of 25 years for telling the truth! While the pervert ring operator, Lawrence King, who was eventually brought down by the IRS for his financial fraud and theft from the Franklin Credit Union of $40Million, only got a 15 year sentence, with no part of the pedophile ring ever revealed to the public, in court or media. People were murdered, had unexplained accidents (FBI impounded the accident evidence there too), faced threat after threat if they pursued their case. Sound familiar yet?
After the murders, the whole team, foster care investigator, special investigators, witnesses, and their families, pursuing justice gave up and left the lawyer, John Dekamp, who had bravely and boldly stepped up to try to win the appeal of the witness' perjury case in spite of the threats, was left with nothing but his analysis of what is needed for the elite to totally squelch discovery of such a monstrous evil, namely control of the media, the Justice Department, and the police. His counter examples where even Presidents were unable to silence discovery of vile dirty laundry were where the media was not controlled by those attempting suppression... Look what we now face, acting as genuinely independent media, instead of the mainstream government mouthpieces... We must not let the government control our internet media..
The unaired roughcut video is here (maybe for a while);
And if not, try the website:
So now we have -- after all that tangential exploration of child-related sex-perversions in despicable networks operating here in the USA, formerly unchallengeable -- a candidate theory for Sandy Hook, the PEDOPHILE THEORY, for involvement of pedophiles in the children's thread-fitting, to add to the loose ends as we continue the examination of clues. The switching of two groups of children with one set being the majorly unfortunate cover for the PROCUREMENT of the other now-unfortunate set of children, is the favored idea at the moment for explaining 'why the children'?
Except for the ANTI-GUN-RIGHTS THEORY based on the realization that children's deaths would empower the 'Justice' department to make the claim that current world conditions, life and voter demands for action make it requirable to take down the 2nd Amendment and confiscate the public's LAST RESORT of self-defense against assaults by that constitution-violating government's agents, thereby ignoring the recognition that the purpose of the 2nd Amendment was citizen control of rogue government and citizens' right for using weapons against tyrannical bureaucratic government, which one speaker at a hearing on gun-control said we'd best not 'lose our last resort'! And that Anti-Gun-Rights Theory surely has some powerful merit as a motivation for accessing Holder's and Napolitano's ample resources b/c this 'classic project of tyrants' will need even more money, manpower and contact controllers, than we see even in this engineered massacre. But we saw the corrupt FBI in the Franklin Scandal engage in both courtroom criminality and also saw mafia-like events perpetrated against those seeking justice. Some powerful elite was mobilizing government criminals and even causing murders and 'accidents'. The corrupt elements in government are there for accessing by those who know who and how and that sort of 'knowledge' possessors includes very highly positioned elite elements within the government, high enough to shield the operations. Like Fast&Furious. We shall make note of what departments of government make appearances, who they report to, their modes and motives. Among those making unexplained, unceremonious 'visits' to the Sandy Hook Police Department's management was Eric Holder. More later.
But that tyrannical citizen-disempowering planning of the anti-gun-rights planners would be served as well (or better) if the Justice Department's mafia allies would agree to take the role of implementers of death and destruction with other insiders in government handling the scene control. Think that alliances between mafia and 'Justice' are not claimable? That Fast&Furious were 'lapses' in judgment? In case the drug cartel Sinaloa and their mob operatives is not on your agenda to explore, Pulitzer Prize nominee, Jon Rappoport reported on 'Justice' and government connections to the mob in this open letter to Obama:
Mr. President, just thought of something else. You've heard of the name, Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla? I'm sure you've been getting briefings on him. He's standing trial in your old city, Chicago.
Niebla is a member of the Sinaloa Cartel (drug gang). For some reason, his trial keeps getting postponed. Niebla and his lawyers state that he has special immunity from the DEA, because there is a deal between the US federal government and Sinaloa.
In exchange for the Sinaloa providing intelligence on rival Mexican drug gangs, the US government is permitting Sinaloa to ship tons of drugs into the US through Chicago.
US prosecutors have been asserting the right to suppress quite a bit of evidence in the Niebla trial, for national security reasons.
Is this perhaps one reason why you don't mention gang gun violence in your campaign to take away guns?
Which, under the usual rules, means that there's lots more not going to be seen in a court, and even more outside this case. Hand in hand. So although the pedophile theory seems quite secure in its own right , it does as well by being included for serving the tyranny motivations of government so Holder would support the pedophiles. The Anti-Gun-Rights theory, only covers motivation and maybe motivation covers the access to media-control resources, and the personnel to supply manpower for controlling the public via crisis support people of currently unknowable roles and powers. But we shall see what they did as we copy their strategy in our traditional manner of simulative thinking.. 'stimming'
The intuitive difficulty with a purely government operation comes primarily when/if we figure that the government would have to supply the killers: would we be as ready intuitively to look for government "employees" to serve as killers of children of our citizens, say from the CIA turning their anti-foreign populations skills inward. But in fact that's just precisely like what the POTUS is trying to do with drone-kill-capable control impositions in the hands of local police as servants of the DHS, aka Homeland 'Security'. Feel safer yet with government-only in charge? Clearly these anti-citizen thought-processes are fully in play INSIDE government bureaucratic heads, though the public may still be sleeping, or at least not fully awake to that extent of the horror. Except maybe for Senator Paul who boldly challenged Holder to answer Paul's constitutional challenge in his risky filibuster. In fact, however, Obama actually asked his secretly authorized anti-citizen future military forces at a signing whether they would 'fire on Americans while on American soil IF HE ORDERED IT UNDER HIS AUTHORITY' AS POTUS. Shocked yet, because we had our jaws on the floor, and not rolling and laughing. Can't people hear? Don't they think such a clear statement could be fully calculated by the speaker to test his control of willing implementers honored by inclusion at a signing giving them powers?
So we shall not be disposing of the anti-citizen hideous theory -- on its own self-sufficient abilities -- that the 'Justice' department and 'Health & Human Service' could supply the firepower with full confidence that they would not hesitate to take down children. In fact, market news shows that the government has ordered 'unusual' target models for their target practice ranges, not the usual threatening black sillouettes with bold circle bullseyes. No the latest include a pregnant woman image, a child with a gun, and an elderly old coot with a shotgun. And the federal government has bought hundreds of billions of rounds for their 'target practicing'. What else do these government employees do with taxpayer dollars, all of which are getting scarcer by the day. Maybe they have ideas on how to get blood from those taxpayer-turnips (as they say, not so unscarily, and with no pun intended, in these circumstances).
On the other hand, as police bullies have found out, the current social infrastructure with highspeed uncontrollable communications devices in all hands, large and small, there is a high risk of discovery and disruption of the plan (assuming the first responders do not include corrupted individuals able to suppress receipt of distress calls). It's not just a few security cameras and no firepower in the hands of victims that these practiced hitmen would have to work with and then escape, because setting up a patsy is going to be a complication that could make the unpredictableness of the myriad communication devices speed in summoning help be the flaw that turns an escape into a shootout. The ability to 'place' operatives into the school staff, the local law enforcement and control of the media would be a deciding factor in choice of plans.
On the other hand, it would be -- judging by our own observation of the difficulty in executing such an engineered massacre as this, even with practiced hitmen, especially in this current social infrastructure, with so many nearby responding resources to try to anticipate and with highspeed uncontrollable communications in all hands, large and small -- only total desperation that would launch a government tyrannical planner on that heinous route of a real bloodbath involving potentially hundreds. NOT WHEN THERE'S THE WITNESS PROTECTION THEORY option, as our next theory is going to be called in our explorations, wherein the children are 'kidnapped' temporarily (with full knowledge of their parents) so no one gets hurt (just in case something goes south) and all public contact is handled by trained actors.
Under the Witness Protection Option, the Justice Department only has to supply things that government is publicly known to be well practiced at: --- kidnapping using sedation technologies, likely not going into school on the 14th at all, more like an outing with protective medical staff for the 20 from the two classes, resulting in a couple scattered empty seats on the regular school buses among the other 400some students, and a handful of 'busy-ness' child actors with semi-closed classroom doors at the far end of the hallway near the offices..
--- phony death certificates, funerals with closed caskets, and
--- new phony birth certificates, possibly same last name but a year younger like being your own sibling, altered school records just for K-1 as having gone to another local school
--- underadvertised resources for relocation jobs for the parents of the victims possibly doing unmonitored government jobs which would be a welcomed solid job future for the parents of the short-term 'victims'..
--- with phony death certificates for participating staffers, phony birth certificates, revised job resumes, credit histories, and other identities, with explanations for them to provide to spouses and close family (if any) on 'possible' high-security clearance opportunities requiring silence for their family safety... government has plenty of experience in gaging silence-keeping factors (as we shall see next posting )... accounting for how close were the adult victims on a daily basis with their responding family members?
--- plus new school opportunities for three years for the children (the ones being kidnapped and their younger siblings). Older siblings would be rather unacceptable risks so selection of candidate children based on their households would be advantageous and doable, e.g. after knowing family data on last year's kindergartners (so choose 1st graders for the class to be used). Just like it would be unadvisable to 'kidnap' older than k-1st age victims b/c older age children's speech is sometimes given credibility by the public in general
--- with an option for dispersal instead to military base support government functions as a family option, since children's education could be tutored during a transition favored to convince the kidnapped victims that they are temporarily hospitalized with full access to parents in visiting roles.. and maybe tutoring by familiar teacher also in that facility's dedicated staff... extended daycare with hospital-style medicating for a few weeks?? .
--- convincing indoctrination (masquerading as continuing education) of local authorities, both police and public services, by authority-drenched federal government resources, on the terrorist realities of lone-gunman horrors, frightening gun hazards, plus glorifying their public service potential roles in identifying and responding to such severe threats, plus ascertaining compliance and future complicity measurement (built into evaluations) for when they are confronted with their opportunity-to-serve to 'end crime' against small children and the harmless public, (exceptionally unrealistic idealism would serve the purpose, like the press released personnel information on 'the three' and Soto ) and their public service importance in convincing legislators and the public when presented with a strong taste of the possible reality, "without actually harming anyone" they would be promised...
Basically reams of paperwork, government employment, and intimidating indoctrination of local authorities with whom DHS and HHS have been working for over a year on a benificent project for the betterment of Sandy Hook, per the major grants, etc
Which would suggest that these potentially complicit kidnappers/staffers MAY NOW BE wondering just how not-dead and not-harmed are Adam and Nancy, so these staffers may be just cautiously silencing their own doubts.. agreed? Censorship of the emulated-'hospital' internet access would be expectable, and since those staffers would instantly have "lost" their own adequately trackable phones with mobile internet resources at the day's start, if any, the federal government may not worry about 2nd-doubts possibility since they'd figure, that the doubters would conclude that Adam and Nancy were as unharmed as the doubters themselves would be unharmed...
So there you have it, somehow it does have initially credible workable ideas that seem quite possible and maybe less harmful-to-the-government if something blows up, though they have solid control of mainstream media for any eventuality
How much more credible/risky would it be to make their favored friends in the mafia do the dirty work, for their mafia's own profit as long as they do it to appear to happen in the prescribed way of intended public thinking, timing of manipulations, etc, and that mafia branch can expect appropriate government 'gratitutde' and for government to fully and simply provide the background control for their mafia perpetrators' safe escape to profitable pedophile operation. What do you think..??
Although each of these theories does account for 'the children' and 'staff victims', each of them would be relegating Adam (and necessarily Nancy) to a 'handy patsy' role, with the idea that any inside-the-government controllers could data-mine in order to find a suitable patsy as simply as data-mining to locatea nearby household with gun licenses registered in the government's database as well as
A MALE in the household who had been prescribed, whether taken or not, some autism or depression pharmaceuticals, OR might be claimed to have been simply b/c HE was listed in some database of autistics, mostly young males, possibly considered as potential class action participants in the government's ongoing efforts to silence anti-vaccine court cases. The government does have a database of mental health diagnoses, for one example for miners.
Preferably divorce-involvement and fairly isolated, like in census data.
Data-mining potentials wouldn't be so unimaginable as being government-insider doable. Maybe even if the murderous planners were outside government, using online consulting staff (who had worked inside government) services bought since none of the searches is openly vile to someone talented but in need of money.. Otherwise a different school would have to be selected. How many small towns have received HHS and DHS favored attention like Sandy Hook? A lot.. but gun ownership and autistic sons are not such small databases, so candidates might not be too difficult to narrow down.
HOWEVER, there is a very interesting route to understanding the Sandy Hook massacre (to the extent that someone (two) was indeed killed, brutally) that STARTS with Adam and Nancy. And that route need not be so entirely focused on guns and drugs AS AURORA WAS. In fact in the efforts by those studying the police band radio recordings to unravel the entanglement of the pedophile's presence from Nancy's license plate search, another shocking (presumably police) voice got everyone's attention. The muffled voice was saying, pretty certainly, 'End the life of Adam'.
That portion was played and replayed, yet it produced only that fine idea that Adam was not yet dead about one hour after the arrival of the police.
More like the Aurora situation with an alive shooter like the substitute James Holmes, practically turning himself in as the shooter, is what the murderous planners wanted except that Adam had maybe been found drugged-unconscious, demolishing the lone-shooter plan, no chance that he was responsible...
Had there been some plan for Adam to be a confused, frightened withdrawn captured shooter who was physically not able to cope with the reality and simply be seen a crazy and hateful gun-toting threat *IF* HE HAD ONLY COME OUT FROM THE DRUG WHILE THE SHOOTING WAS IN PROGRESS? Had he ONLY NOW, an hour later, begun to come out from under the drug used to bring him onsite, limp but not bloodying the one hauling him, but much more deeply unconscious than expected BECAUSE THE USUAL DRUG DOSE WAS TOO MUCH FOR AN ASPI'S LOW CORTISOL...
Imagine the confusion in the shooters, who were supposed to leave fogged Adam to face the consequences, as he is just coming to. Nothing they could do to bring him to but shaking him, and more loud noisy sounds like breaking furniture. Losing time that was for retrieving the extra gun in the trunk. Meanwhile the police are showing up. Should the killers split and hope Adam will wake up or should they make an attempt to shoot him, but like a failed suicide, like a grazing wound, since he was supposed to survive to serve as a 'hostage' in the lengthy court processes during which his connection to corrupted financial characters would be exploitable.
Imagine any corrupted members of the police who were primed to work with media on a captured shooter, but now what they are finding is looking like a suicide since Adam was likely sprawled horribly and bloodied (if there was real carnage all around) and surrounded by several guns. Maybe no one noticed the absence of the expected long gun, except those in charge of media-disinformation. Wouldn't they be wondering where that gun had been dropped, somewhere around and just let the lying disinformation go out to media as planned hoping they'd find where it was dropped.
So Adam would be another James Holmes, ONLY THIS TIME BE THE REAL SON of the targeted financial insider -- not a curiously substituted 'son' in the attempt at mimicking James -- OF THE INTENDED FINANCIAL INSIDER TO BE HELD SILENT. Being the real son would presumably have some leverage, unlike the substitute-James, where the Aurora shooter lacked any real hold on the real James Holmes' financial insider father, other than some embarrassment.
So why would they substitute when having the real son would give them the leverage the killers wanted, presumably? Maybe the killers had made their move on taking control of James in the week before the killings but James had made a fatal attempt to escape his captive status in his own apartment. It was in the week before the Batman opening planned carnage, when the gun ordering was suddenly initiated. If they still held the real James then possibly kidnap-hostage leverage would still be useful, though risky for the psyop.
In any case, the real James in not the booked-James. In facial movement, smiling, grimacing etc, the backs of the ears and the lower eyelid do not flex in changing facial expressions. Hence the substitute, even if he mimicked James' happy engaged smile could not match James' neat pinned-back ear (visible on his left) nor the protective lower eyelids in the photo comparisons online. They are clearly not the same person, as seeable in the genuine pre-med student in one photo and in the substitute's photo after arraignment. Failed psyop. Was the plan for Adam to be done better for leverage?
And yes we are going to explore the ADAM AND NANCY THEORY in another posting, since it has a significant burden of heavy digging and connecting to make it credible, since some diggers have already fallen short on attempting this path. For now we shall call this the ADAM AND NANCY THEORY and acknowledge that we shall be digging into their, and our, financial realities. But for now, the idea is simply to designate that there's a crucial thread or three yet to be woven into any ultimate theory, maybe a multi-dimensional coat of many colors to be woven.
Well, before we begin to dig into the merits of one theory COMPARED TO another, against each and every bit of evidence and testimony on what we know of the REAL EVENTS, CONSEQUENCES, AND EVIDENCE, there are still a few more 'loose ends' not yet in our hands, in that list of 'evidence and testimony' to have in our weaving. Hence we shall work on those bits of evidence and testimony in our next posting to prepare for ultimate theory concluding.
Wrapping up on the staffer claiming falsely that there was a pre-visit plus an altercation... for that staff member's conviction-attempt-motivated lying and all its implications on aiding the killers' escape, even likely knowing the killers, and/or possibly even having been one of the shooters, we would suggest that HE BE HELD IN JAIL or CUSTODY for possible CHARGING WITH COMPLICITY IN MURDERING 20 SMALL INNOCENTS AND ADAM AS WELL AS "THE OTHER THREE" THAT HE PRESUMABLY HAD THE ALTERCATION WITH. Fundamentally, based on his obvious complicity in the execution of the necessary planning of disinformation-spreading in order to complete the other shooters' escapes, at the very least, while all police, media and observers were being focused on Adam. with possible role as a shooter. Interpretation of his altercation will be examined in the context of each theory, in due time, after more characters, testimony and evidence, including looking for other possible insiders as accomplices.
[ I wonder just how many communities 'benefit' from government largesse because the government would benefit from community favoritism-to-government that isolates people with verifiable grievances against government FDA for authorizing a bad vaccine??? or against some other government malfeasant criminality] ttyl
Brilliant Aspi geek Adam, still Nancy's Pride & Joy
1) There is NO WAY that the ALLEGED shooter (Adam Lanza) could actually be the killer who hauled around the necessary gear that has been claimed to be in the local police's custody as having been used in the killings.
-----a) Look at the full-length photo of Adam and tally in the idea that he spent many hours on his computer doing gaming, etc and was a member of his highschool Technology Club. He is lightly built to start with, about 120lbs in the latest photos (when he was 16 and males are near grown), was unaccustomed to heavy work of any kind, spent massive amounts of his recent days doing nothing either aerobic nor resistance building exercise, was having health problems that involve gut difficulties (might have benefited from raw milk, etc). Not inclined to athletics. A lightly built 120 lb deskjockey.
-----b) Add up the loads: the weight of a bullet proof vest on Adam, that also would necessarily have been well-pocketed in order to carry the hundreds of rounds that the Coroner and the police were claiming had been fired into the children. Plus stray bullets and leftover ammunition for each gun. Such vests and such heavy fire-power ammunition weigh down even highly trained SWAT team members to the point where they find it difficult to continue their operations so they avoid such weight loads as much as possible and spread the firepower among more team members. The gear would have come to near 40lbs by looking online for specs on these things. Nearly a third of Adam's OWN weight. Try that while 'charging around' the school building seeking victims. This video will do your homework for you with the help of SWAT team expertise:"Sandy Hook, the Logistics"
-----c) The guns NOW acknowledged (or should we say re-revised alleged) to have been in Adam's possession at the final capture (after he was already killed/suicided to be determined) were 3 or 4 handguns of significant size as well, BUT THE ASSAULT RIFLE WAS NOT THERE. The ONLY rifle being claimed as part of this scenario was locked in the trunk of a car, not being used... yet the Coroner/Medical Examiner claimed that each of the victims had been shot MULTIPLE TIMES (3-11 times) WITH A RIFLE... Confirming the ammunition quantity in the load calculated, if not the weapon (gun types is not required of coroners, though claimed). Though we would wonder:: how, precisely, does one "miscount" and "misidentify" handguns as rifles, just idly laying around Adam's body while being so damned certain he was 'the' lone gunman??
IMPOSSIBLE. Try it, with the load set at 1/3rd your own weight and with simple geek gaming lifestyle. Any injuries you incur while insisting on attempting hernia risk is your own logic-defying fault.
The official police department chief spokeman's storyline is therefore a TOTAL LIE. Either the chief or his spokesperson is knowlingly lying or is a totally incompetent bureaucrat, moronically saying what he's told to say by SOMEONE IN CHARGE OF the KILLER-ESCAPE-SUPPORTING DISINFORMATION, all the while pompously acting like he's tough and in charge for quality control of ideas. So are you going to believe him! We do not and further research by online savants has found him in videos on Colorado's (Aurora) mass murder demonstration, in a similar role, (even same nametag: Lt Paul Vance) which discovery we shall detail when we get to the rest of the players in this story, outside our focus now on the Lanzas.
Profoundly Adam seems the only real genuine good guy in this scene. So IN ADDITION to concluding (based on the above) that he was not the killer, we shall dignify the idea that someone killed him, not that he committed suicide, as we have been told as part of their incompetence or treachery. Some of the outside, experienced peace officers even consider that Adam may have been killed earlier and brought to the scene. We shall keep these possibilities in mind as we see what else has been told to the public about such a pivotal character as Adam in this scenario taking shape.
An enterprizing WSJ reporter, for example, sought out every firing range in the Newtown and Sandy Hook area, to find out what sort of practicing and training had been engaged in, and what people could tell about Adam and his mother. Not one of those places had ever seen or served Adam with or without his mother as users of the ranges, and were only aware of the Lanzas now, not before, just media familiarity now.
2) The killer had a hit ratio that was professional, by the opinions of professional gun users, such as awac222 on youtube. That commenter calculated that ratio this way: Taking the number of rounds to be on the low side of 100 since there's some conflict between reports on the number of shots heard, and then deduct a few IF you believe the idea that firing was used to gain entry to the building. So 90 fired at people-targets. Since the Medical Examiner said that each child had 3 to 11 bullet wounds, and since we chose the lower estimate for bullets used, then we'll use 3 'hits' per victim, which means that the hit ratio of target-hits to bullets fired at targets is estimated by 78/90 = 88%. Impressive for small moving targets emerging from hiding places around the rooms, at least for a non-professional.
And per the Governor's rehash of the events -- complete with his specific response-timing boldly stated as around 10 minutes (to ensure no one at Sandy Hook or in the police department got the state sued for lack of appropriate and rapid response time after their Homeland Security/FEMA training in Colorado? Aurora? Courtesy of the federal government's Napolitano, who recently bought 7000 high quality assault rifles..) -- this professional score was achieved in *amazing* time. Ten minutes of hundreds of shots in multiple locations with high accuracy. Too amazing. Clearly not a never-tried-a-real-gun-before score, nor by someone who hasn't handled one in recent memory (and per PBS, likely not more than a few times when Nancy and Peter took their 'boys', presumably surely not while divorce troubles were in play after Adam was a pre-teen). Sandy Hook was dealing with a professional hit man or hitmen. Not Adam Lanza. At all!
Perhaps you believe a squad/team-as-killer theory (as we do) but you would not yet dismiss the idea that Adam was part of it, or at least that the murder at the Lanza home is Adam's fault, *somehow* because you have been accumulating PREJUDICIAL 'motive ideas' from the raft of questionable people seeking media attention with their own twisted life-views. So that examination of all sorts of prejudicial motive data is here and now going to be dealt with, starting with misconceptions about Adam's health, about Nancy's wellbeing and mental state, about how they lived, about institutionalization speculation, about the claimed pre-visit, etc.
3) Adam's Health was sickly(was it not?)
-----a) At least one credible witness (as well as several other relatively agenda-free witnesses) have stated that Adam had Aspergers, or more specifically aspergers symptom disorder. What that means in terms of health ideas is here explored in answer to this item's question.
Well, although Adam was certainly not that focused on athletic fitness-health, all the evidence suggests that he however was well cared for and was actively knowledgeable in his own condition. Data mining online shows that a major explanation for the unusual behaviors in the Aspergers-type condition requires some insight into our bodies' adrenal glands workings.
In addition to producing the characteristic adrenaline, that adrenal gland produces/moderates cortisol, which is an energizing hormone that rises to its peak as you are awakening and dwindles throughout the day, sending you into retreat mode when it's low. Aspies have lower cortisol in their blood. Hence when faced with fight-or-flight situations or even low level stressful personal confrontations, their resources require special effort to cope, making them gentle people and somewhat shy. The lower level problem also interferes with usual sleep/wake patterns.
Doesn't quite seem so horrible or scary, now does it!
But it sure does make it possible for prejudice-mongers to target Aspies for being withdrawn and different, especially since they are usually so intelligent.
So do you really think Adam in SWAT gear is a threat?
Adding to the total mis-information being unjustly foisted on aspies -- by ignorant speakers as if they knew some wicked truth about people they are prejudiced against -- are the repeated, ignorant remarks on 'pain infliction' and 'no feeling'. The public seems to feel pompously proud of speaking evil authoritatively -- when offered a microphone -- with no attempt, in their human responsibility before relaying such accusatory remarks, to check the source who conveyed that evil claim to them or at least caution their hearers that they have not checked that authenticity. Libel laws and slander rules are written to prevent such misuse of language and speech. We shall point out that this whole pain-inflicting idea as relevant to Adam's case, nor to the majority of Aspies, is so far wrong as to be witch-burning stupid. Clearly the absence of any countering opinion in the media and their supplying the key to correction is further confirmation that the government school system has grossly failed to develop proper data checking when taking in new information, which lack makes the public profoundly vulnerable to propaganda purveyors and to the vicious compounding of errors. This immoral behavior is especially damnable when done by broadcasting personnel who have preparation time and staff. Absolutely despicable.
Among possible publicly knowable examples and spokespersons for autists, aspies and ADHD people, that public relations and news people that could have been consulting, should have been Dr. Grandin, whose books on the subject, including website presence for fact-checkers would have been easily found in their reach. Dr Temple Grandin is a renowned savant autist, is the inventor of the 'hug' device for comforting children with ordinary autistic tantrums when not yet controllable by their carers, and has independently pioneered a whole field of research -- both academic AND field-applied -- specifically to relieve pain in animal slaughterhouses. On pain, she insists that it is moral to eat meat ONLY if the humans are decently providing a quality life for these animals and a pain-free 'harvesting' experience. I wonder just how thoughtful the irresponsible, bad-mouthing newspeople have been as they eat their fellow creatures every meal of every day. Such concerns possibly mimic her own fear of pain, as Adam would fear, judging by his demonstrated caring concern for those around him and his careful pleasant personality as described in the words of those who respectfully had their own experience with him. Such testimony of Adam's caring interactions were provided by the high school Tech Club advisor and Adam's teacher, plus one of Adam's fellow college students who qualified as her own expert on trying to dispel the hex being worked by the media on their choices in speakers. Plus another highschool friend on youtube who wrote that Adam wouldn't even hurt a fly in his own home.
In addition some research found online with google ease, shared by parents of autists who are finding ways to make progress with their children, does demonstrate that even those other autistic children with pain-related confusions were conceivably in pain themselves in many cases (based on what was discovered to solve the problem) and had no way to describe/identify that pain, but these were low-performing, tantrum-suffering children at the start of the online reported observations. Adam's Aspergers was not that tantrum-suffering type of Autism, if in fact it is legitimate to group Aspergers with every other 'behavioral' disorder in the broad category of autism, as psychiatrists do, all of which category creation is the grossly fabricated 'knowledge' being sold as expertise in the marketplace by people calling themselves psychiatrists with no definitive testing as the basis for their 'behavioral' definitions nor for their diagnoses, and too eager prescription pads for harm-filled drugs. In Adam's case, Nancy was extremely cautious, as every mother should be, not to risk Adam's high level of human performance without severe 'on top of it' information checking.
Among the validly qualified testimony by people with frequent and relevantly deeper interaction with the Lanzas we would point out specifically the decently covering interview on ABCNews with Adam's own mother's friends in town at her favorite restaurant and bistro (MyPlace) where she regularly spoke to the owners -- son and mother especially. For the record, Nancy did specialize in 'dinner-pickup', just so you'll get her own image free of the miserable prejudices. Per that owner/son in this interview, Adam was quiet and shy, and his mother was proud of him and was always 'on it' whenever there was some need for her helping handedness. No lack of ability to convey personal need between Adam and his mother Nancy. End of the public mis-conceptions on Adam's health.
Unaccountably (from a major media outlet with major digging resources, producing the video here being shown as evidence of the real life Adam and Nancy in their friends' experiences), the biased/motivated-freak who does the video-titles for ABCNews has posted that interview (with the three owners of the restaurant) as if it was focussed on just whether his mother was responsible as a gun owner. Go figure. And yes, they emphatically said she was, when finally asked near the end of the video -- after significant revelations on Adam and Nancy's lives -- though gun care is now seen as immaterial, it was all that mattered to the freak AND THE PRODUCER. Similarly that cruelty-minded ABCNews video-namer/producer chose to name another one "Friends: Shooter's Mom Struggled with Son" when the content showed that they were doing quite well, as we shall discuss momentarily. Buyer beware, check contents and founding assumptions, always, including here, though you will find ours pretty thoroughly dug into.
[For more on Adrenal Cortisol levels not being as high as others, leading to discomfort in changes in routine and disruption of location, high/low blood pressure issues and disrupted sleep cycle and awake cycle. etc]
-----b) Related Realizations: By implication since the shooters could not have included Adam, then we'd suggest that the GUNS AT THE SCENE should have been VERY CAREFULLY HANDLED TO SEE JUST HOW MANY DIFFERENT SETS OF FINGERPRINTS WERE ON EACH GUN... But if those guns were as BADLY MANAGED AS THE RIFLE (of whatever sort) THAT WAS IN THE TRUNK of the ( claimed to be Nancy's ) car, then the whole affair is everywhere BUNGLED. In a media video record of the existence of the rifle in the car, we see where the deputy(?) appears to be removing the rifle to display it, AND did not even have gloves on and thoroughly smudged away any trace of prints by a 'user' in his demonstration of how to load, empty cartridges and display it for those present. Online overseers were aghast at the loss.
-----c) In addition to mishandling of gun evidence that would have vindicated Adam, there has been no announced results of ballistics, where are they? Other than the coroner/medical examiner's claim to know "more about weapons than he should" and his own statement that the children were killed with many bullets from a long gun or rifle, there has been no decent ballistics workup demonstrated. So what's missing is the identity of that rifle that fired the shooter's bullets, guaranteeing that the idea of rifles involvement was likely a 'red herring' (for gun control) or who could deny it? Those results are required in the sensible effort to justify ANY VALID charge by identifying the weapons used in killing Adam and his mother as well as what was used to kill the children. And thus the ballistics could validly implicate the real killer and relieve the frozen idea that Adam did any of this, as well as get the investigation going properly to find that real killer.
Such a killer had been clearly threatening Adam with his own death, and that death was then clearly not happening as told to us as being a suicide.
So red herring for gun control or not, 'a rifle' was their story. Until the 'discovery' of the only rifle anywhere to be found, being still locked in the trunk of the car, then suddenly the rifle idea went away, having possibly served its anti-2nd-amendment controllers' of the population with openly fear-mongering purpose.
Now the officials expect us to ignore that their perfidy was discovered (not by them at all) by the officially-castigated public-who-are-so-interested and that official government perfidy is now being slowly erased from sight by their media mouth-pieces implying that it was just 'haste', as if they should be trusted as before, after they have
--1) perpetrated gross violations of their intelligence gathering,
--2) disrespected the rights of the people to be considered innocent until evidence proves otherwise and
--3) grossly violated their duty not to help the heinous killer escape by failing to do thorough and careful management of crime scenes, meanwhile
--4) insulted and hampered real help, while swallowing, and worse, regurgitating for media, every lying statement by those in the vicinity. (Curiously ignoring Adam's defenders, who were not that difficult for this writer to find (among those found by others on the scene) without even trying, yet the only voices allowable to have a major microphone (except one ABC mic digging for Nancy's side), were the ignorant, and hostile toward Adam speakers, just TOO coincidental to be excusable, ever.)
Meanwhile, after all this time, we're to just be satisfied with their totally unsupported story and ignore that the ballistics data would open up great opportunities for frozenly being able to focus on the real killer, not Adam, by those who are the members of the demonstratedly competent public-who-are-so-interested and thus those ballistics-withholders are enabling the real killer to escape, free and clear..!
Maybe we shouldn't even trust whatever they eventually publish, considering their fully incompetent and/or criminal-involvement seen so far and their clear motive and opportunity to nowcheat, invent what would definitely temptingly cover their mishandling. Would you trust them to not 'manufacture' stuff to suit their agenda, whatever that is this time???
About Nancy's wellbeing and mental state...
4) Was Nancy's mental state indicative of a deteriorating relationship about to come apart? Was 'the burden' of caring for Adam's few and complicated needs becoming excessive as some expectantly ghoulish individuals were bandying about? Was Nancy giving up her life and chances to enjoy herself so that she would be seeking "relief" in institutionalizing her pride and joy?
Oh well, the media mouthpieces for the officials want us to cancel that 'pride and joy' stuff since we're to believe (mistakenly or under intentional disinformation) that Adam was constantly about to explode. Unfortunately for those who prefer their daytime soaps to factual data, 'pride and joy' does triumph, per the testimony of her frequently interacting contacts ay MyPlace. See the ABCNews videos. And recognize that Nancy was not some housebound drudgery-suffering caregiver, she had her own lively ideas filling her weekly agenda.
And Nancy obviously had hobbies, travel opportunities (a photo of her enjoying the fair last season was among the images and text published online), and lots of resources in her lifestyle. And for the record of the quality of Adam's impact on Nancy's liveliness and sanity in that period immediately prior to the massacre, there's another video showing that Nancy had been caringly able to take a happy, worryfree holiday in northern NH, her native state, 4 hours away, for a pair of scenic days this very December, right before the massacre and her death at the hands of the real killers. Adam's impact was not a 'denial' of opportunity.
The female reporter of that 'scoop' on Nancy's funfilled vacation intended to convey the idea that Nancy was irresponsibly enjoying herself (trying to cast doubt on her gun management) instead of micro-managing Adam's life at home but the reporter failed to show that at all, because Adam was not the killer, as we know, and was not sneaking to prepare for his killing spree while Nancy was absent as that 'journalistic' failure was presuming. The realization that these irresponsible 'journalists' (and I use that term 'journalist' loosely as they presume they know-it-all and presume government never makes errors, never accuses the wrong person, and she and her editor never ever used the word 'alleged' killer, perhaps thinking that a dead assailant could not sue them for their cowardly libel) were still believing all the lies perpetrated as disinformation and never catching on in their own research and 'erudition', all of which blows away that female's idea that she had any credibility as an intelligence-oriented, skilled investigator. Luck and prejudice is what they rely on, only.
Instead, the displayed data on Nancy's friendly conversations while at the resort show that she was relaxed and was in no hurry or in any anxiety, total relaxed visiting, so we know that Adam was not becoming a big worry and leaving him alone to fend for himself for a couple of days wasn't any big anxiety about his behavior and he could be expected to manage by himself with no oversight. Clearly no valid reason on which to base an implication that Adam was such an out-of-control person, suddenly deteriorating over the previous weeks. Quite the opposite, Adam was quietly having downtime to find his own path on which to move forward, after suspending his pursuit of college courses, locally.
About how they lived, and
About institutionalization speculation,
In spite of what ease-and-realized-comfort in her home-life with Adam does imply about Adam's making progress, maybe slowly at first, some gossipy speaker (given access to a microphone) has speculated that Adam's mother was preparing to put Adam into an institution, but that conflicts with more solid data on Adam's own future planning that we can infer from Adam's homeschooling and college efforts. Though we shall decline to engage in a lot of life-learning theory for internal sense of direction development explanations for the moment, these patterns of downtime for realignment of effort are confirmed with surprising information in the plumber's testimony based on his in-house observation of the Lanza household.
That plumber was disparaging the idea that Adam showed no interest in engaging with him (sorry fella your conversation wasn't that interesting) in any idea of recognition of any common ground in ideas, but that plumber was nevertheless accurately describing the preferences of an Aspi to shut down any conversation (wouldn't talk to him at all, straightforward rejecting "conversation"), preferring instead quiet time in an undisturbed hideaway in the remoter well-appointed basement, soft loose clothing, gaming on the computer for Adam, no disruptive hassle (just turned inward and walked away), and quiet personality.
In the plumber's cultural ideas, he *presumes* that he is *entitled* to expect that anyone he encounters in his path-smoothing as an 'intruder' in privacy areas while working on his plumbing contract, MUST return his overtures or else he can prejudge them as ANTI-SOCIAL and now entertain us as his erudite assessment of scary people.
(If you want/need more information on life-learning theory, try a couple of issues of Life Learning Magazine.)
Adam was clearly engaging in his own path finding for his life-led learning by detecting his own intuitive needs and inner preferences (by mental role-playing, stimming to study challenges and responsiveness to personal experience of personal challenging effort), appreciating his own developing skills (to see what's easy and pleasuring to engage in and worthwhile in his opinion) and more. Why would anyone not enjoy Adam's own company when you love your child and marvel in their insights and bright ideas, just occasionally revealed for your delight. Stimulating company is not necessarily incessant badgering chattiness or boisterous activity. Surely most people who've had family, close and dear, would easily feel comfortably soothed with such a personality in their presence and household as Adam's. Don't you agree?
So with no sign of deteriorating behavior in that household's reported lifestyle, and such a soothing undemanding yet promising companion, why would anyone EVER be believed to be considering 'institutionalizing' your best friend no matter how much they worry that they need to be more understanding of a way to help. Clearly that gossipy woman is a paparazzi wannabe, with a mind twisted by prejudice against difference, and just hovering around people with microphones to find some reason to get into the company of media personalities, at best.
But even more likely in such a powerfully engineered massacre as this Sandy Hook school shooting, the 'gossipy' woman was far more likely to be an insider to the group of criminal perpetrators. Agreed? Or do you still harbor the idea that there are such statistically-predominant, evil minded people PREFERENTIALLY FAVORED BY GOVERNMENT MOUTH-PIECE MEDIA ANCHORS with their own VIEWERSHIP-TRANSFIXING motivations, based on media/educator assessments of low-intellectual aptitude and public appetite to favor evil-minded commenters reluctant to reveal their identity and bias, instead of hearing from friends that might disrupt the hex the media had built for their illusions in 'the matrix'? Unlike PBS where they did find friends to consult as well in analyzing the relationships over time.
The Peter-and-Nancy divorce/separation had ended one relationship for Adam as well as for Nancy. And Adam's brother had left already to start his accounting training and career. Only Adam was yet in highschool at home back then. So, after high school and more in focus with the gossip's evil charge, let's look at Adam's share of household expenses and responsibilities. Adam's way of life at home, as they were living up to the point of the incident, was no financial strain, by any means, based on the description of his focus on finding entertainment in online gaming and spending all his time in such activities. Nor were spatial and territorial issues, in a home that magnificently accommodatable, going to be some contention. Institutional care would have deprived Nancy of Adam's company and would have been a major expense in any household, plus there is no idea that Adam's mother had that sort of interest in being on her own more than she managed normally, nor was her life overly-constrained by Adam's needs, since someone even provided a photo of Nancy at a fair in NH just a month or so before and she was looking thoroughly at ease. At least twice a week she brought in dinner from her favorite restaurant and bistro where she had friends to visit with during dinner-pick-up. She was not employed in some outside career. A big house, yes, from days gone by, but no big career to complement whatever the divorce settlement was, there was no Jackie Kennedy Onasis style ambition involvement either any more. She just loved her son, sensibly caring and sharing household life with her eccentric companion who loved his mother as his support person now that he was an adult.
But most of all in the medical arena, Nancy had furthermore strongly resisted moves to side-track her brilliant son, as proposed by some at the high school, and thereby bravely was rejecting any tendency to such direction earlier, including the usual likely drugging, aka 'medicating', being pushed by schools, with harmful drugs currently being monstrously over-prescribed and ultimately recorded in the government's pharmaceutical controlled-substances database records. Judging by the developing medical research, by now, and the unfavorable publicity on the drugs in cases of depression, and the absence of drugs as solutions in autism as well, suggests that Nancy would have felt confirmed in her original negative opinion of those drug options and have been unlikely to change her preferences at this point and now adopt such things without seeing evidence of some turnaround in the drug research even if she were distraught with the length of the downtime that Adam was taking. Hence if there was no sign of drugs in the Lanza household as there appears to be none showing up in any 'revealing investigation into motive' by the bragged about police media reporting, then there's absolutely no remaining reason for considering this evil-gossipy woman as having any credibility and assign her idea to oblivion as evidence of anything relevant to the investigation with the exception of considering her to be part of the killer's plan of disinformation spreading necessary for the killers' escape..
So why have we no confirming pharmaceutical investigation results in the search of the Lanza household? With all the talk about drug involvement in previous shootings, didn't those incompetent investigators look through the medicine cabinets, refrigerators, wherever? Why have we heard nothing from the police investigators and their media..? Clearly if they had some evidence of a drug in the Lanza household, one that had side effects that included homicidal or suicidal impulses, that would be front and center by now, surely if the police were decent investigators and the media were not 'deterred' by drug advertising MONEY. And any such bottle, with date of purchase and refill date, count of remaining supply and prescribing MD would be crucial to have as a media announcement of investigation progress... but there has been none. So why would anyone conclude that Adam's condition was deteriorating to the point of needing institutionalization as a motive for an escape attempt involving violence. He was not deteriorating, at all.
Some earlier reports claimed that some uncle of Adam's was making a claim about taking medical drugs. However that earlier story about Adam taking the drug Fanapt -- actually for schizophrenia, a niacin deficiency disorder, not Aspergers -- supposedly on the word of that 'uncle' turned out to be one of those paparazzi weirdnesses. The magazine publisher has retracted the story with the explanation that the individual claiming to be an 'uncle' turns out to have been a well-known faker (also showing up in Aurora CO with phony information) who follows high-profile events and pretends to have knowledge that editors would die for.
As for the possibility that drug evidence was being concealed AND that some incompetent MD would mistake Adam's downtime behavior for schizophrenia -- based on an erroneous opinion that downtime is 'amotivation' which medical term is sometimes among the symptoms of schizophrenia? That serious MISTAKE would be immediately. partly precluded by the current realization in the medical literature that schizophrenia has its onset at ages between 25 and 35, not as young as Adam's dropping out of classes and primarily precluded by the realization of the certainty that Nancy would have checked the side effects, among which was 'aggressive behavior' as 'common', right alongside 'common' heinous wonders such as 'mental impairment', 'seizures', 'stroke', etc.. Yes common! Yes, immoral drug companies get approval from their immoral allies in the FDA! Hideous drug and its hideous manufacturers and hideous approvers. The idea that Nancy would choose to risk such hideous harm on her brilliant son, is so unthinkable, so it stands to reason that there is no way that institutionalization with drugs such as Fanapt was on Nancy's agenda. Compare that drug/desperation to the mere 'worry' in the ABCNews interview testimony on Nancy's care for Adam relative to any such drug that tampers with the brain of a brilliant reclusive eccentric son of whom Nancy was so proud. End of such drug story.
Besides, not only is schizophrenia just a nutritional deficiency of epic proportions requiring daily doses of niacin that are 500 TIMES the corrupted FDA's limits of 'recommended' daily ALLOWANCE.. BUT it came to our attention in the recent PBS special (unfortunately they're not able to undo the population and government-induced prejudiced opinion from horror and disinformation) THAT ADAM AND HIS MOTHER NANCY were going to buy a home in either WASHINGTON state or NORTH CAROLINA so that ADAM COULD STUDY HISTORY (per one of Nancy's family members, beginning the search in 2012 for a college that would fit Adam's requirements so that he would be able to pursue his interests as definitely successfully as his WCSU 3.25 grade point average would show possible as an healthy, attainable benchmark) whIch study-of-history interest would be a natural subject for someone accomplished at stimming, aka simulating story explanations, especially for someone like Adam who was curious about why people do the things they seem to favor doing, for their own ODD REASONS... That's right our culture IS ODD IN ANY RATIONAL ASSESSMENT, and this western society should re-examine its own self and restore real evidence-and-natural-law-based lifestyle and relationships, and we believe there is a move to doing such, beginning with SENSIBLE SUSTAINABILITY as Nancy was doing before the killers ended her lively ideas.
End of that story, both of them, the paparazzi-uncle and the toxic-gossip, because no evidence of desperation exists or is credible. Adam and Nancy were working on planning a new adventure and opportunities. Distraught with change needed does not mean desperate. Amotivation is not downtime and vice versa. Mark both the paparazzi 'uncle' and the evil-gossipy woman as SUSPECTS until further investigation to justify their release from suspicion. They are at least guilty of disinformation in a felony of extreme proportions.
And to confirm this analysis of Nancy and Adam's story is the ABC News video on "Friends: Shooter's Mom Struggled with Son" which instead shows that Nancy was only worried about changing academic direction, not some behavioral troubles. No such frightening behavior issue was ever claimed to exist and the speakers reference nothing of the sort.
Specifically, the video confirms in the midst of the interviewer's agenda:
-----a) Nancy was very proud of Adam's accomplishments, taking a stream of college courses, already as early as age 16, and almost totally ace-ing them. Clearly, Nancy had high expectations for Adam's brilliance, (and so do we, posthumously) like we see in the autistic writer & animal behaviorist PhD, Temple Grandin who wrote extensively on her own experience, reaching success and describing what it was like for her to be autistic of some kind back when she was struggling to succeed. Just because Adam did not find the college (starting Western CT State U nearby at age 16) appealing after a bunch of courses doesn't mean he was falling apart, only that he wanted something different than that direction in academia. And Nancy couldn't figure out what resource to provide so she was distraught, not depressed, much less deceiving nor desperate. Just normal finding direction, and impatient at most, likely.
Unfortunately, many prejudiced -- before (because Adam was different) and/or now (because of police and media libelous incompetence and soaps-brained tv) -- people have converted her motherly concern and ordinary distress (over changing goals and life-led self-learning) into ideas of Adam being psychologically "ill" in some threatening way.. At least, now that people's thinking has been toxified by the police and media's immoral and illegal lying..
For the record, going from classroom-driven learning to life-led home-learning generally requires about one month of downtime for every year in schoolish-driven learning before the learner becomes self-directed, then the rate of progress is turned on its head without the classroom organizational slowness. Similar downtime transitions occur in becoming self-employed. Adam was simply taking his transition at a time when most of his age-mates are engaging in a frenzy of activity, so it was more noticeable, especially since he was so far ahead of his age-peers when he started college.
-----b) Like her fellow companion at the MyPlace bistro (that Nancy favored two dinners a week at) said, she spoke to him often but her concerns were not about discord over bad behavior of any 'sick' kind. Get it into people's heads. Adam didn't shoot his mother, THE KILLER(S) DID. Clearly, her distress was over changing direction of goals, not unusual in this current climate of college-worth bad news everyday, with all the attendant lack of focus on real study ideas by students. Adam was not in trouble or her companions would have heard about that specifically.
-----c) And as for friendly social relationships while at school, a young woman who was a student in Adam's classes said that there was nothing "scary" about Adam and just that he was shier than most people understood. And in a separate post at youtube, a young fellow from Adam's technology club basically confirmed that Adam was gentle and extremely intelligent.
As a companion, Adam was very honest, though not outgoing with those who didn't share any interests or who engaged in unthinking social games and rigamorole. Looking at the most recent photo of Adam from the divorce period precisely, shows a very honest young man, very worried about the future as his home-relationships were disintegrating, no cover up grin. He was his mother's moral support and inspiration for struggling through.
Even Adam's closest teacher, from the technology club as well, said he was so brilliant, and gentle in conversation, echoing the pleasant ideas posted by that one of those club members who considered himself Adam's friend. (in a youtube posting)
ERGO, we shall keep that gossiper under observation as a potential suspect, complicit directly as a planned toxic contributor, wanted in the criminals planning, since disinformation is a verifiable asset in devious scheming to inflict harm.
So then why was Adam tangled in this killing spree at all. Surely his pivotal role as patsy must mean something. Why Adam and why his mother, or why either of them, since an attack based on one would have led to confrontation with the other.
Purposeful inclusion of something or someone that has a role as one of the key components in a scheme would be in that scheme to provide consequences that were desired by the schemer. So what are those?
Coming soon, we'll dig into how Adam and Nancy were dragged in so as to get those consequences. Part 7 whatever? -- Sandy Hook -- Why Adam and Nancy.. coming hopefully next week.
Plus Why the children and even better HOW the children ?... coming sooner than later, but shocking as you will see, if you dare.
What we were told were lies, constant lies. Incessant, vicious engineered lies.
Not simple random errors of 'fog or war', as the government's media's new reassurances deceive.
What would it take for you to withdraw your support from this Fast&Furious, mafia-infested, monetarily incoherent US government, with full realization that you will face seriously jeopardizing your own credibility with your peers, at least highly likely so.. BUT at such a serious level of shock and realization, you will just *know* that you can not imagine any other path for your own integrity.. Well this may be that moment. Don't give up.
Caio and/or ttyl.