I trust you've seen/heard at least excerpts from the tapes of the 911 operators on 9-11. But in that emotional turmoil accompanying this reviving of that day's events and images, are we missing the real message the dead are sending us?
Look at the locations, the timing and the comments of the victims that have managed to get through the court's hurdles for release. Every one of them is pointing to smoke as their immediate killer. Not one is mentioning any blazing inferno. Any searing heat. The callers were still active, judging by the transcript's times, til at least 10 minutes before the total collapse of the towers.
Yet the WTC towers collapsed so rapidly, not even delayed by pancaking stages, that the official story's inferno would have had to have destroyed the towers' cores from bottom-to-top, including the floors where these calls originated. But steel doesn't melt down at Fahrenheit 451, more like ten times that. What happens in interiors of offices and homes is rapid incineration when the temperatures reach the flash point. In fact, I've read that smoke is a sign of a, relatively speaking, cool fire.
So 10 minutes before the building whooshed to the ground, the interiors of those offices were still below the flash point for all that office and paper mess. That was at least an hour and 15 minutes after the second plane hit. The planes' impact, the planes' contents, none of that has built an inferno in the core after an hour, yielding even temperatures that could ignite office materials from the inferno's heat.
Nor were these floors protected by the asbestos that was built into the lower floors. All that asbestos the WTC owners were trying to avoid 'remediating' was confined to the lower 70-some floors, not where these victims were trapped with no such protection. The heat from any quarter-mile long (full-tower-long) inferno in the core would have swept through these offices, now lacking life support, even sooner than the lower floors where firefighters were preparing to fight the fire they saw and expected to rescue the buildings' occupants.
Whatever brought that steel down was not being seen or experienced by either firefighters below, nor victims above. That's what those tapes and their messages from the dead are telling us. Not that the operators were badly prepared, nor handled the hazards inappropriately.
What this court release of tapes appears to be, with its timing coming on the heels of increasing media attention to the '911Truth' movements, is an attempt to again add the weight of anguish to the facade the real killers and their collaborators hide behind, the lie that our defenses failed, that incompetance and lack of preparedness, were the key to understanding the disaster.
Let's not be so easy to manipulate. Let's absorb the message our dead are telling us. The cause of the towers collapse was not likely the result of plane impacts and towering infernos. Instead we should add the weight of their testimony in the 911 emergency tapes to the accumulating attention to 9-11Truth.
It must be discomfiting the real killers to see even the puzzled mainstream media attention like CNN's program and the article in The New Yorker. How much more alarm must the petition documents filed by the Scholars for 911Truth be arousing in the depths of the minds of the truly guilty.
Or do they sit back like shellgame perpetrators and think this distraction aimed at 911 operators will strengthen their facade of incompetance adequately, that reminders of our trauma will make us want to forget that day's details, that attention stirred up on the topic by the Truth9-11 interest will be muddied with diffuse and unfocussed speculations about peripheral details?
Let's not give them that satisfaction. Let's turn their ploy against them, not let them or their collaborators who benefitted, majorly, escape recognition. We may or may not be able to get the current government to deal with the monstrous reality, but we have other ways to deal with them all, more subtle, more peaceful, more beneficial to all the innocent and more devastating to the guilty.